MovieChat Forums > abc123 > Replies

abc123's Replies

It's timeless, something I really like. This topic is overrated. Fuck you mean? It's cuz of people like you! You just can't drop it, can you? There's your answer. These days its best to assume if not bot, then stupid. I dunno, but I know it's gonna be full o' shit. You might be right, he was one of the first people that took the vaccine after all. It's about SHIT! +1 Aww man, you stole muh thunder! Nice. It's a data harvesting enterprise. Data is the new oil. Even the advertisements are secondary at best. I wish I could be that optimistic. Getting cancelled these days seems a bit too easy, no? I would not be surprised (but would be angry) if cancel cultists started making impostor accounts of people they dislike, and their targets get fired anyway. This might not work with high profile celebrities, at least not at first. This is getting crazy, twitter staff does petty things like take your blue check away before banning you. They could take that, then impersonate you, cancel you, then ban you. With regular people like me, they just make a fake account, say some bigoted things, boom! Fired. Sucks, it really does. He was one of the few reasons to stay on the old boards. Wow, this is important information. Thank you for sharing. If I ever happen to bump into Margot Robbie, I'll be sure to say "hey, nice feet." I don't really think that it matters at close range, and that's what all of the combat inside the continental was. I feel a tad guilty for not learning this man's name until recently. His work has inspired me a bit too. Sheesh....RIP. Maybe it was a sabot instead? I've seen some crazy shotgun ammunition, real sci-fi stuff. Makes me want a shotgun for home defense over a carbine. Well at least you (kinda) figured out how paragraphs work.