MovieChat Forums > Calexander

Calexander (4)


Tarantino’s Red Pill View all posts >


Your cynicism and bratty prose is a just a sad result of your grievance based worldview. You are excluded only by yourself in a pursuit of your fetishized victimhood status. Most new media is absolute leftist identitarian propaganda so I enjoyed this piece that didn’t rely on white people selfflaggelating themselves to death every 2mins or extreme misandry. Two thumbs up! Trump 2020 I think it’s you who’s showing your allegiances. Your crocodile tears for German POWs are wasted. Nobody cares. And you clearly have a soft spot for anti-Western ideologies so I’m guessing you probably have more in common with Manson, antifa etc than you realize. He and his followers were essentially anarcho-communists. If you disagree with that I am not sure we can agree on much of anything. Sadie’s little speech in the car before they went up Cielo Drive was clearly an illustration of the deconstructionist worldview that is still pervasive amongst many leftists to this day. And the twin torching of her and the Nazis in the beginning of the film was a statement of utter disgust with both of these equally perverse ideologues. Spot on. I thought that was obvious as well. Or at least Trafitionalism/American Patriotism vs Leftist Deconstructionism/Marxism View all replies >