tcrum's Posts

Boromir's Guess The Famous game #1265 - Daft Munks winner....Joan Crawford What's the most impressive skill a person can have. Get to know you Questions. If you think Jaws is better than Orca. First reaction video, hilarious. Post a live song from the 80s Orca How long for a full service Emergency Room visit? I'm watching First Reaction videos. Post a song you like released before 1970. tcrums search for new great cover songs. Have you seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer...The series? StoneKeeper's Movie Guessing Game: I recommend THIS Movie #2365 Winner Stonekeeper....Mortal Kombat (1995) How many movies have you rated 10 out of 10? I kinda hate the Rolling Stones, but this is good. Best songs with peoples names, hopefully covers. Night Random Chat Are all reality shows crap?