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tatsujin (38)


Tremors? This felt more like a class reunion than a sequel [spoliers] Unusual and somewhat interesting Suffering from low blood pressure? S5 E4 "The Choice" [spoilers] [spoiler] Overall thoughts & ending Broken cube? I'd like to see some "engineering porn" ! Is anyone else annoyed by this? View all posts >


No that was, surprisingly enough, completely ignored, being the whole premise from the get go. I was thinking it maybe was because of the bullet being introduced? Metal (and stuff) did obviously interact with the process somehow (e.g. they arrive at their destination with nothing). Also, the idea of symmetry; he returned 4 days after (as well as before), so we can only assume he will also appear three more times, symmetric to his 1890, 1941 and 2023 appearances. Also, he might even appear many other years, like a 1000 years before (and after). I mean, why four? I interpreted her being there (and the KYAL logo visible, already in 2023), that their efforts changed very little and that she had jumped to 2023 in a new mission to change things. Of course, all this being an attempt at a cliff-hanger, potentially a tie-in to a second season. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be happening (fingers crossed). That's so you know it's in the past. /s It depends mostly on what kind of "knock" it received. From months (a really generous knock) to centuries. It could also never reach earth, but instead get a more elliptical orbit around us. Should mention I'm nowhere near knowledgable in orbital mechanics. Didn't they inject him with some bad stuff to kill the "aliens"? I think they assumed he'd also be dead. Seconded. I've just watch both versions, almost back to back and I agree. The few things the US version added/changed was not for the better. The ambiguity of the ending in the DK version had enough hints, an explanation was not needed. Also, in the DK version towards the end where Iben is talking to Asger, thinking about jumping (forgot what she said exactly). That part was surpriusingly vague in the US version, where she just said (paraphrased) "I'm gonna go and be with Oliver". Also the sound in the DK version when the call ended it sounded like falling quickly towards the traffic (hinting at jumping), whereas in the US version the call simply cuts off. Is jumping off of bridges also too stomach-turning for US viewers? And the baby surviving at the last minute felt like a copout... "aaand everyone's fine, yay!". Yeah, it was a bit contrived. The injection didn't seem to be necessary for the actual time travel, or vice versa. One possibility might be that it was a power trip; he could just sit in his office and just click the "die"-buttons. So year, if she just woul've kill them the "old-fashined" way, no one would've noticed (and thus, no movie). I think, probably after a few days of starving, I'd try riding the platform down. It was kind of a hole in the logic of the whole system: why not just ride the platform down? Valid option from any floor, really. From an outside perspecite, going up or down doesn't really imply better or worse. The association of "better" with "up" was made solely because of the food being passed downwards becoming more and more scarce. Discarding that, it's just a bunch of floors where, frankly, going down seems like the better option. The relation is even thinner as Olga is a slavic name. So yeah, he was just being a prick. View all replies >