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ScareDe2 (26)


Titanic Honor & Glory : your thoughts Post your system here View all posts >


Headphones can be very good. The screen reflects sound waves. Convex screens diffuse the reflection. Inside a movie theater the screen is acoustically transparent. There are also some other elements inside our home that used to absorb sound like rugs/carpets. Nowadays people get rid of them for dust reasons and cleaning time. Back in the day carpets were everywhere. Now it is either absent or installed on a limited surface. Overall, current decors are aesthetics, almost clinicals. What an excellent movie. And very delightful to watch especially given current Ukraine conflict and escalation. Aged like good wine. 7.3/10 rating is not justice and was probably caused for suspicious reasons by the mass. A great movie! Yes and the viewers should not see everything. By exposing full nudity Rose character would be protrayed like "just another girl" who is ready to go wild with her new lover. It's a 3 hours movie so you need to keep the tension. I don't think it was an erotic scene. I see it more like a feminist expression of the 90's : The destruction of the woman stereotype that she must stay faithful to her man. The filmmaker must get Rose to sleep with Jack, but she is an aristocrat, so things must go a certain way first. Titanic is superior to comic book movies. Leonardo DiCaprio had huge following back in the 90's. Teenage girls craved to see him on big screen no matter the movie. Some of them saw Titanic at the movie theater 7 times or more. Women in their 20's also were talking about Titanic, some insisting everyone should go see the movie at the theater at least once. Boys pretended they disliked the movie because... Leo. Everyone remember on IMDB Titanic had a low score of 6.7 due to boys and men downvoting the movie. Titanic resonated worldwide and nothing came close since. Now here is my opinion about why it would maybe fails today : Acoustic. It's not easy to apprehend the topic because it is rarely or never discussed seriously. It starts at home. Here is my premise : Flat screen tv is a HUGE catastrophe for entertainment. Remove the flat screen tv and put back convexe screen tv again in every home and the world will go back at what it was. Flat screen tv reflects sound energy at our ears and blurs stereo image. At the opposite, Convex screen tv scatters the sound hitting it hence reducing the alteration of our audio-visual experience. Because flat screen tv interfers with stereo image it also reduces our ability to enjoy movies challenging our intellect and emotions. It's as simple as that. Many acousticians will disagree and say that the tv screen is a negligeable element inside a room. They are wrong. Problem being, every tv now are flats or concaves (curved), the latter might even be worse. Good info ! Thanks for sharing. Just out of curiosity, what is your tv system consisting of? Brand and model number of you tv and dvd/bluray player would be interesting. Thanks. Watched it only once, in theater in 1998. But the movie still resonates after 25 years. I of course watched scenes here and there on youtube and I have read stuff about the production and movie director James Cameron, and watched footage of the real Titanic and stuff. I will probably start watching the full movie again. Twice a year during holidays I watched LotR trilogy so why not do the same with Titanic. I don't have the movie on my TV recorder that's the main reason. Hey there I am curious about your connections. Do you use HDMI or analog input? View all replies >