MovieChat Forums > FreddySez

FreddySez (6)


Back behind the camera, Taylor Sheridan Not identical to, but a companion to... * SPOILER * Why was [this character] within 50 miles of [this place]? View all posts >


It wasn't just the doors. That whole below-decks space served two purposes: In a fight, it was a gun deck, open for the operation of cannon. When they weren't fighting, temporary bulkheads and doors divided it into cabins for daily needs. Fight on, bulkheads (walls) and doors gone. Semblance of ordinary living, with tables and chairs and whatnot, gone. Until the fight's over. A totally reasonable IRL analysis. But then why are you here? In the movies as opposed to the print history, Pierce is on the World Security Council. He’s its secretary, which in faux-UN-speak suggests he’s in charge of it. You just don’t see him on Fury’s 2012 videoconference because they hadn’t snagged Redford for that cameo yet. So it’s very unlikely he did not know in real time about the nuke plan. Which means the gang took almost an hour to go upstairs and apprehend the bad guy, which seems implausible. View all replies >