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NVF's Replies

Yes, while of a different kind and scope, both suffered parental abuse. I get what you're saying but the two characters are distinct. Amma's a serially killing sociopath, Ryan is not. A couple of mysteries where the killer turns out to be a child isn't much of an issue I don't think, especially given the stories and culprits are so distinct. And Mare with Lori's. If anyone can understand grief involving one's son it's Mare. I watch very little serial TV but did see "Sharp Objects" recently. I figured the younger sister to be the murderer immediately as she was clearly a psychopath. Good show but I felt it lost gas as it went on. I think the answer is pretty black and white, no? lol yep, that's the classic clip For sheer embarrassment nothing beats this by Jose Canseco: [url][/url] YW. Glad I could help a bit. The ferret man would appear to be the woman's neighbor Mare catches though we don't know for certain. One would assume that since the neighbor's act was more a prank than anything else, Mare cut the kid a break and prevented a minor issue from becoming something more by deleting the video. While Dylan's whereabouts that night was used to draw suspicion and becomes irrelevant once we discover who killed Erin, some think that part of his storyline wound up on the cutting room floor given the way it was simply dropped. Since he lawyered up under questioning when he wasn't guilty of the murder and got angry with his girlfriend's prying, I think it'd be fair to assume he was involved in some sort illegal activity that night. From the very limited dialogue there was an agreement that no one read the journals. This implies Dylan didn't want to know who the father might be, didn't care and/or didn't want to read through all of Erin's private thoughts to obtain what might not even be there. Dylan's an odd character so how he operates here is plausible though it can strain credulity to some extent, especially given Jess doesn't abide by the agreement and reads what she can. And the question I've been asking here is if she's really injured as she claims. We don't have a doctor's diagnosis of her mental state and withdrawing from a tournament you can't win is certainly not proof of an injury. On the other hand, if this was a major she could win, has won, then a withdrawal would make her claims easier to accept. Dylan doesn't know who the father is. He and Jess burn the journals so the baby stays with his parents. Police Chief: Does Dylan know John Ross is DJ's real father? Jess: No. I hid the picture from him. PC: You never answered my question about burning Erin's journals. Jess: It was my idea. If the police found them there might be something written in there like who DJ's real father was. Dylan wanted his parents to keep DJ. He told us it would break their hearts if he got taken away. PC: That was his reason. What was yours? Jess: I thought that's what Erin would have wanted too. The ending makes sense; I just found it unsatisfying. Not only is it a bit far-flung but Ryan's a tertiary character we have no real investment in so the discovery falls a bit flat. As I stated in the other thread, Lori would've been a better culprit. Making it through a few rounds in the French (her best is the 3rd twice) is failure for a four time major champion and #2 in the world. As such, she loses nothing by withdrawing. Conversely, she's a favorite in a US or Australian Open so withdrawing there could hurt her career and legacy. As in golf, a tennis player's status is largely determined by the number of majors they've won. Osaka's not a great player on clay, has never done well at the French, so withdrawing isn't much of an issue from a career perspective. You have to wonder if she'd proceed as she has if this was the US or Australian Open, both of which she's won twice. As I wrote in another post, I found the ending unsatisfying, in part, because it was far-flung. <blockquote>Still, you’d think an ex-cop would find a missing gun suspicious.</blockquote> Especially considering they were concerned about a strange character out there. Which is to say nothing of allowing a child entry into a shed that not only houses a gun but a loaded one. Just want to add after reviewing the episode that Ryan texts Erin at 10:50 PM so, yes, Carroll hears him steal the gun at a latish hour, somewhere between 11 PM and 12 AM.