Hollyw000d's Replies

I know this is an old comment, but I had to look up the bts he was talking about. Obviously it was Spike Jonez behind the camera and it was an act. Talk about clueless. Seek help. My goodness. I was right on the money, and Queen was wrong as usual. I knew the quote was from a decade ago and he never said 2 billion. So I predicted the break even to be at around 1.5 billion. And that's exactly what it was. This movie will be very profitable for Disney, and luckily we get to see the sequels. Like I said, Cameron never said 2 billion. The quote is from a decade ago, and he said top 4-5 grossing film at the time. Which was not close to 2 billion. You are quoting click bait sources. The movie is already very close to turning a profit You are once again, way off and should probably go hide in your hole again hoping everyone forgets your wrong prediction while you move on to the next one. It does not need to make 2 billion to break even, that quote was from 10 years ago and he never said 2 billion. You are referring to click bait articles that are taking words out of context. The production budget and marketing budget are probably around 650 million. The film will probably be profitable at 1.5 billion. Cameron filmed 2 and 3 together. Meaning the third movie (and other sequels) are made at a discount. It is front loaded because a lot of the money was spent on developing the technology for the new films. Since we know 3 is coming out, as long as it performs somewhat on par with Avatar 2, Disney will be very happy. They are using this misquoted hype as part of the marketing to put people in the seats, for fear of missing out on the sequels. And people like you are buying into it and regurgitating it to try and make it seem like the movie is going to flop. Is Queen ever right in these awful predictions threads? This movie is going to make a ton of money for Disney. It's looking like it's going to be going strong for many weeks to come. Black Adam on the other hand is a huge flop and has already killed the franchise and possibly Dwayne Johnson's career You're in the minority there. I mean in relation to within the movie's universe. In this film it's shown how much he takes a back seat to Billy, and yet we get a ton of Easter eggs tied to Stu's character. It feels like a bunch of build up with no payoff. The ending was just another rehash, it needed something different and Stu would have tied it all together nicely. Also, they really should have killed off one of the killers early. Put a wrench in the killer's plan and keep the audience on their feet. Switch it up. What we got was just the same old crazy copy cat killers at the end. Yes Sliced with a knife, it's just shown in a way that you don't know how it was done or who did it. Obviously in real time you probably would have seen the killer do it, but it was edited with a quick cut. When I first saw the movie in the theater I definitely thought there was something supernatural going on due to how they edited the kills at the beginning. Another editing choice that makes it weird is when Casey pulls his mask off it cuts up, but it made it seem like there was nothing under the mask. And to be fair, a lot of makeup and a hair piece. You live in a bubble don't you? I mean we've all probably know people that grew up and looked completely different from when they were 12. Easy example? Jerry O'Connell. Fat kid growing up, chiseled handsome fellow later in life. Jeff Cohen from Goonies, Ethan Hawk from The Gate. Look at them when they were in their 20's-30's. This would not fit in with the main MCU. BUT, this is what could be great about a "What If?" series of films if they come to fruition. There are so many cool possibilities. Hell, if RDJ wanted to come back for a one-off, he could just be in a "What if Tony Stark lived" film. 0 Chance it won't beat Avatar. We are on week 3! It will dip again next weekend and then stabilize for a bit, before it has a nice bump from Spider-Man. No it's not, and I've tried explaining this to everyone but people just don't want to listen. The stones did not need to be returned, there was no magic by returning them. They do not affect the timeline they are in, except for the fact that those stones are no longer in those dimensions. Every stone was taken from a different alternate universe. They were not taken from the same one. Steve traveled to an alternate universe to live with Peggy, not the same as any of the others they traveled to. He then used Pym particles to travel back to his own universe when he was old, to say goodbye. It is not time travel, it is universe travel. It is the multiverse. The Ancient One's dialogue was poorly written, it was confusing to the audience. What she should have said is taking the stone out of her universe will Doom them because she cannot use it to protect the realm. That's it. It does not skew her timeline except when you compare it to Steve's Meek, and Korg will join them. Although they aren't Asgardians. Maybe Valkyrie. BTW, isn't it odd that Valkyrie doesn't have a name? She was a part of the Valkyrie, that wasn't her actual name. I don't recall anyone in the films using her given name, Brunnhilde. No it didn't, please search the other threads as this has been covered. He did not go back in time in his own timeline, he traveled to another similar timeline. It's only a plot hole if you don't have a basic understanding of time travel using string theory. The 2014 Thanos was not from their timeline, he was from an alternate reality. So in that universe, yes they prevented the snap and the war. Which is pretty awesome for those Avengers. The Avengers we know saved them all and they don't even know it. With their explanation of time travel, that bit just doesn't make any sense. It's more likely just a throwaway joke that you aren't supposed to dwell on. Otherwise all of those people in Scott's suit were alternate universe version of himself, in which case they wouldn't remember anything. Says "don't believe everything", posts made up statement. Good show Cinema score A+, RT 96% (user score 92%)