tmoldovan's Replies

Sometimes when people get upset, they make poor decisions. Phil was demeaned and took it personally, saw red, and wanted his revenge. this ^ “explains” Oh, wow, ok, I didn’t realize he’s already a Grand Admiral. Yes, agree completely, it would be a great story to follow him from the lower ranks. He is in the cartoons. The Rebels series. I haven’t seen the episodes yet, but from what I’ve read, it’s in his younger days, as he’s working his way up the ladder. Oh, trust me, I agree 100% with sloppy, incompetent?, missed-the-target, writing. Just wasn’t particularly upset by the healing. But maybe it’s because it’s what I’d always i vest points in, when playing games. Oh yeah, them being the master level. I know it was kind of a given, and we were supposed to accept it, but yeah, I think many would prefer to see more of Rey’s training and less of sidequesting to other worlds. (I liked seeing Luke and Leia training, except for Leia’s disfigured face.) Thank you for explaining your point of view. While I’m not bothered by the force heal, I will agree that things were done in the movie that disregard established SW norms, or were just slopilly written in just for the sake of it. Soo... would you agree that Obi-Wan was correct “from a certain point of view”!? 😂 I’ll go with Lucas here (yuck) and agree that a kid winning a race does show talent for racing/piloting. SW 10 scroll: After a celebratory party on wherever they were, Rey, Fin and Poe visit the rave plant Zion, where a squid-surprise awaits them. I’m not sure I’d agree that Jedi were meant to be immortal spirits. The force is immortal, the Jedi way or the Sith way are the two ways of “discovering” it. (And had the writers been more aware in their approach, they could have made a third, more *balanced* (hint, hint) way that acknowledges that life is neither true purity nor true villainy, but a mixture of both, and our daily struggle is to keep ourselves in the balance.) It wasn’t Disney that destroyed it, it was crappy writing and storytelling. Look, Disney owns MCU and Pixar. both of those studios can put out an amazing, well thought out movie. There is no evil master plan out there to traumatize SW fans. There is only incompetent writing. A JarJar with a pencil if you will. Right. If the Jedi are immortal (via the force ghosts), it is not far fetched to think that a Sith could have figured it out. To be honest, considering the topic, Sith would be more likely to discover imortality through the force, which was hinted at in the prequels. To be fair, Anakin was a good pilot when they met, remember, he won that pod race. The story, in the EU, goes that Palpatine had a series of clones of himself created for backups. I find it more believable that he could transfer his consciousness into a clone at the moment of his destruction, than that Ray would kiss Kylo. Anyway, not to belabor the point, the Palpatine clone project, is not so far fetched, and in my opinion, would be a better story than the case of Rey’s poorly defined parents. Imagine if emperor had 2 Rey clones, and our Rey had to fight a dark, sinister version of herself, her sister... The person from Scorpion King could do the sfx. They have a new version of Maya 3D. Palpatine could have started working on clones of himself at literally any point, especially after the clone technology used for the clone army. While that is well established in the real world, in the universe where some people can transfer their consciousness into the great beyond, it is not that far fetched that a sith lord could transfer theirs into a clone. Not only that, but that kind of transfer was exactly a point raised in this movie. I’m not sure if you guys are messing with me, or maybe just didn’t think it through. The genetic material could have been collected *prior* to Palpatine falling down the shaft. Secondly, cloning is a well established *thing* in the SW universe, so it’s not a stretch to think that the person who orchestrated creation of a clone army could also start a side-cloning project for himself. And lastly, Palpatine cloning himself was a well established storyline in the expanded universe, which, i know, is not cannon anymore. With all this being said, I’m still not sure who Rey’s parents were. If the ROTS was supposed to shed light on that, I must have missed it. (I did see them in the few scenes, but have no real idea who they were.)