MovieChat Forums > Goody4

Goody4 (16)


The Biggest Toilet Paper Heist in Human History? Can Control...or Hal9000...or T-1000...or Jason...or Freddie end this already? View all posts >


I'm getting a whole "Fortitude" vibe here. That was another Frozen Tundra mystical mumbo-jumbo detective series a few years back. i gave up on that show. I'm not sure how long I'm sticking around for this one. I'm getting a whole "Fortitude" vibe here. That was another Frozen Tundra mystical mumbo-jumbo series a few years back. Mercifully, they'll be putting a screw driver into the temple of our skulls very shortly. It was meant to make you chuckle or eyeroll, or both. Nothing more. FWIW, the cast change is a tad too much for me, as well. There hasn't been this much Internet outrage since they recast Darren. What are there, 16, 17 total episodes to go? I have to stay until this series comes to its inevitable crappy ending. Throw some pity my way, too, would you? I had to watch this episode (and the last episode). What a bore. I thought the talking dead was a show that came on after TWD. Turns out, they've combined the two. Talk, walking montage, talk, walking montage, talk, walking montage, talk... Plus, tonight's episode with Ben's story contains one the most important teaching moments anyone is ever to encounter: A smokin' bod ALWAYS trumps any sort of lunacy your date may be displaying. A solid...meh. Great. Another "computer with feelings, trying to figure out its existence" story. Something that has been explored many times in cinema since the beginning of film. A few stories from "The Twilight Zone" TV series come to mind. The fact that our hero is a "little girl" matters not. It's only a computer program. It's okay to delete it. The subplot of the evil corporatist murdering everyone to get his property back is another discussion. The Hulk's convoluted explanation of time travel. "Hulk Smash!" would have made more sense. View all replies >