MovieChat Forums > AdmiralZod

AdmiralZod (14)


A few things to say AChieving time travel Shazam. A Chistmas Movie. Ignore the slaughter of innocents. Character Development and Color Issues ruin the Movie View all posts >


Can't argue with this. Why can't we all just get along. Come on he was nerfed far before the battle. A true hero would have died trying to help against thanos and hulk never showed his face. They made him a coward and a disgrace Hahah so will they! For real. 2025 is the year of QuadBoot. 2040 year of the HexaBoot. Etc. Mark our words. Right so they nerfed him. Not even half the man he was was. Tony Stark, weak and not battle ready. Hell even Captain was out of serious combat for 5 years. Thanos would not have survived a full battle ready team. And Am i wrong or did Hulk not throw a punch.....not right. I dont understand. He shouldnt show weakness while he appears to be buried alive and may die a horrible slow and lonely death. Maybe he has claustrophobia and valic used a weakness. He came out pretty resilient a scene later. Watching now. The idea is that God expects humans to use faith to protect themselves and everyone in these movies has fear and lack of faith in general. If they had unlimited faith they would be unstoppable but they let fear and manipulation distract them from the truth. God will destroy evil if you let god save you and trust his power. Just a thought tbh. Haven't finished the film. Still watching. But every other movie has characters who let their faith wane even though they see the supernatural which is a sign god exists. Ergo you should have unlimited and ultimate faith and never lose to evil like this. lol i know my post was supposed to be satirical commentary about it becoming a cult Christmas classic despite innocents being murdered by monsters. Some people consider Die Hard 1 and 2 Christmas classics. Great movies but Jingle All the Way is the greatest christmas movie of all time. l played the post too straight. My bad. Oh the father and brother were jerks so they arent innocents? Maybe the father just Lost his wife when the kid started freaking out in his car and caused him to break his back? The a-hole executives? The father and mothers of children and family members? Perhaps charity organizers? I mean come on they're just simple people working. They're all innocent when compared to being ripped apart by sins. He was also a young teen In this movies year, forgive him for flaws as he is not wise or experienced. Poor Kid. View all replies >