MovieChat Forums > Harleydude666

Harleydude666 (51)


Every time I watch.... She obviously went....... WHAT IN JUPITERS BALLS..... WHAT IN JUPITERS BALLS..... Did the.. Just Watched This, and..... I miss View all posts >


So is the is bitch who shhitt you out You must be hard up Because I don’t agree with you??? Who’s the asshole now? If the shoe fits, wear it, and you wear it well. But I must question your taste in women. You’re wife or girlfriend must bark at the moon BwaaaaWaaaHaaaaa The rumors grew over the years, if you paid attention that was the whole theme of the movie. For example the two villains, it was said by mid movie that they even cut her tits off, and we know that didn’t actually happen. And Bob, look how his rep grew based on rumors and gossip over the years, and how the west was a more vicious land because of it. Peoples reps kept growing by here say. Was Munny a vicious killer? Sure when he was drunk, and I’m sure he killed women and children along the way. But when he was sober he was a functioning human being with a conscience. But I’m sure he killed less people along the way than what his stories made him out to be. I’m sure at times he displayed cowardice and killed people when they were at a disadvantage Bob did. Did he embrace his rep you asked? I didn’t take it to be that all. When he was sober he clearly suffered inside for his violent drunken past as he beautifully portrayed. But when he was flat out drunk he became a stone cold killer if crossed and would fight to the end as he showed in the final scene. When he was drunk he had one vision and that was to kill Little Bill at all costs and kill the saloon owner who laid our Morgan Freeman on his porch. You saw Munny turning as he was drinking and the prostitute was telling him what took place. There was no being proud of what he was or used his rep to his advantage, he didn’t think that way, he just owned who he actually was and didn’t care once he was inebriated Haha, same here. View all replies >