MovieChat Forums > Sharks83

Sharks83 (9)


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She is popular because of her looks. Lot of peoples are willing to forget she's a bad actress because of how sexy she is. Are you sure you would stop following the MCU because of one character? You'd have to stop watching movie where she's not even in. It's hard to believe you would do that. I think both were equally surprising. I dont think anyone expected Tony Scott to commit suicide, and Bowie death came out of nowhere as nobody knew he had cancer. Probably will, but who knows "No, it's not full of twists and turns" It is for someone who know very well the story of Queen. "He killed own sister, but there is left one sister, Laurie Strode, so he wanted to kill another sister, that's it." Michael and Laurie are not brother/sister anymore. Nobody saw Aquaman yet... View all replies >