MovieChat Forums > Ahelene

Ahelene (28)


Is this a take on social issues?? (Spoilers) The kid. It’s all in the title If you are looking for this to mirror the book... This show is bananas (spoilers) So complicated it’s not even worth it .:: I personally like it View all posts >


I'm a jersey native and went multiple times as a teenager. So many times I probably would have died. It was awesome Any Adam Sandler movie. Last year. A bone graft for an implant, than the implant. It sucked Elyesium Exactly. Let’s take “never ending story” for instance. Totally unrealistic but it’s a nice cute neatly packaged story so people love it. This film was original and made you have to think about various aspects of it and society. People that film “dumb” should probably stick with the 10 fast and the furious remakes I felt that was pretty much the point. If you noticed the “kid” would mimic that couple stuck raiding them. Maybe in an attempt to learn to act more human. The real estate agent, while looking normal, acted very robotic. The next version of him ( the one imogene and Jesse raise) is a little less awkward. And so it goes I thought it was different parts of the world. Other people’s version of her reality that probably went to the same realtor and ended up “raising” another child to replace the agent that will die Both of these films are based on a true event that happened at a lighthouse in Wales around 1777. So it’s not a copy. Just two interpretations of the event This film is actually based a on true story of a tragedy at the Smalls lighthouse in Wales in the late 1700's. There is a "less artsy" British version of this movie released in 2016. I personally have seen both and prefer the 2016 version Joe Exotic running for Governor absolutely is. John Oliver showcased his campaign video when he was running for election. I remember watching it View all replies >