AmeriGirl26's Replies

Why can't we have an alternate black Secret Agent who also works for MI6, who <i>isn't</i> James Bond, but lives in the same universe and has his own adventures? Yeah, that sounds kinda stupid when she uses her body for publicity, and then whines about being objectified. You can't have it both ways, Sydney. I'll first preface this by saying it was an artistic and story-making decision to use this scene just to show how nasty Geidi Prime is to live, as well as showing how much of a brutal sociopath Feyd Ruatha was. Using infrared cameras was also an artistic decision, because nobody's used them before in film-making, and Villeneuve wanted to give the scene a unique look. It's normal in many films for directors to use color palettes to tell stories. Oppenheimer is a great example, because all the black and white scenes are stuff that was historically documented about him, whereas all the color scenes are pure speculation. Movies like "Wizard of Oz," "Underworld," "Sin City," and a few others used interesting color palettes too, most notably black and white and color. The arena scene on Geidi Prime, astrophysically and biologically speaking, makes no sense whatsoever. Never in the entire history of astronomy, has a "black sun" ever been documented. Also, there is no such thing as a star that gives off visible light that would bleach everything black and white. The human eye does not register visible light in black and white. Because of our cone cells, we can detect all 7 colors of the rainbow, even if we were to be under a blue sun, a white sun, a red sun, a yellow sun (like the one we currently have) a white dwarf sun, or even a neutron star sun (though why anyone would want to get near one of those, I can't imagine). Even if a "black sun" did exist, the human eye would <i>still</i> not detect only black and white when looking at visible light such a fictional ball of gas would shine down on a planet. You would still register color, even if there wasn't much of it in the Harkonnen court (they sure do love black and white coloring on that world, despite the Harkonnen crest being described as orange and blue in the lore). I even talked with a friend on here on a "black star" being a black hole. Hollywood actually covered that idea in "Interstellar," where it would be possible for a black hole such as Gargantua to have a stable solar system if it rotated, and its accretion disk gave off light similar to our sun. But even then, human eyes on any planets orbiting such a phenomenon would still detect color of some kind. Yes. It can lead people (not just men, but women too) down a very dark path, both psychologically and socially, particularly if they have an addiction and kinks that break the age limit laws. It can break up marriages, lead to jail time, get people fired, and even lead to human trafficking. It also ruins the bedroom experience for the addict, because they get an unrealistic image of what sex should be like, and then are disappointed when the real thing turns out to be a letdown. I mention the human trafficking part because it's pretty common in the criminal world for illegal porn companies to pop up all the time, use adults and underage kids who have been kidnapped and/or sold into underground sex slavery, and film them in porn films against their will in warehouses to earn a profit on the web. The authorities around the world have to fight this kind of thing constantly, and it's very difficult to track down child pornography rings in particular because they have informants that alert them when they've been found by the cops, and they pack up shop and leave. So I'd say it causes a lot of harm. But the trouble is, there are many people out there who don't care, and want their smut, so the business goes on. The Harkonnen baldness is a choice, not a disease or genetic disorder. It was also an artistic choice of the film-makers (and a stupid one at that) to make the bad guys bald so they would look less human and uglier than they already were. Wow! :O That's a lot of great "truthful" movie title ideas! Feel free to do the game on those movies' pages too :D And yeah, I thought calling it "A Clockwork Orange" was a stupid name too. I read up on both the book and movie over at Wikipedia, and it sounds like a horrible story. Can the cannibals eat him too? I know that's being cruel to animals, but it would solve a lot of America's problems...for five minutes. Plus it would be fun to watch the Democraps scream and crap their pants for a few days. Yes. It looked like the magic healed everyone in addition to turning them back into normal people. It's funny how you mentioned symbolism. Some people have commented that in this version, the weather around the castle was weird, how it kept jumping around between seasons. I have two explanations for that. One, I go on the belief that Belle basically got imprisoned in autumn, and spent the winter with the Beast, getting to know him, and when the climax of the film came, spring had arrived. However, sometimes the weather seemed inconsistent with the seasonal timeline in the story, and the animators said that the weather shown in some scenes was also meant to show the mood, rather than what was going on season-wise. Believe or not, that concept is good fodder for movie sequels, where a relative or loved one of the villain (strange as that sounds) comes back to get revenge on the heroes from the previous film, so the relative/significant other becomes the new bad guy. It's much more interesting when you find out the villain came from a normal family of nice people, but the villain was the black sheep in the family and chose to go down a dark path, despite all the warnings and efforts their family made to stop them. Some of the most dramatic villain deaths involve a family member who loved them, being forced to put the bad guy out of their misery and to save everyone else. I wish they would all live like the European ones: quietly and not bothering anyone. The trouble is, the militant ones rule Hollywood and parts of Washington, so they demand all this stuff and are ruining entertainment, even for their own people! Not to mention that the beast died right as Belle confessed her love. If she had done it just a minute later, he would have still been dead, the servants in the castle still would have been objects, and Belle would have been all alone. It would be horrifying, and nobody would ever watch the movie again. I've actually read alternate Beauty and the Beast novels where he stayed a beast, and I didn't really enjoy the story as much. Yeah, I mean, if you look at the areas where they contribute to our current culture, we could easily get straight people to do those things too, like: - the fashion industry - screenwriting - songwriting - theater - musicals - costume design - baking and cooking - directing and producing movies - college professors - philosophy - sociological studies - artists - politics Believe it or not, the relationships themselves isn't what's bad. It's trying to force society to accept them and treat them like royalty that pisses people off. Not to mention recruiting the children of straight couples behind their backs at school. I saw a meme online that describes it well: It shows the guy from either the Twilight Zone or the Outer Limits, saying "Imagine a group of people so disgusting and unlikable that they have to come up with laws to force people not to openly dislike them." All I find them good for is snarking about Meghan Markle, cooing over guinea pigs, or talking video games. Anything else is too political/religious and toxic. If you want to really make them angry, point out the fact that they are cowardly bullies that are more than happy to go after us Christians because they know we won't fight back, but they don't dare go after really problematic religions like Islam or other death cults, because they know criticizing those religions would either get them killed or beaten up really bad. They also don't dare go after Judaism, because they'd get their asses sued for antisemitism, even at this point in history. Hell, many atheists are ex-Jews anyway, if Hollyweird is anything to go by. They keep claiming they don't like "organized religion," but don't be fooled. They are little more than Christian-haters, particularly all the ones in the west. They resent the fact that Christianity had power over American culture for a long time, power that they secretly wanted and craved. They're also jealous that Christianity provided a more stable society in America in the past, whereas atheism doesn't provide anything like that. And yeah, I brought up the communist/atheist "religion" killing more people than Christianity ever did, and got the same reaction: "ummm....duh....ah-hyuk--it's not the same as atheism!" So it appears intelligence doesn't factor in very well with atheists either. They can be science-savvy all they like, but practical and philosophical, they are not. Yep. I thought it was cool when I first heard about it as a kid. I also heard that they can use aluminum "confetti" to fake "rain" on radar. That was a trick developed in WWII. The problem was, they thought they could farm the same old way in the High Prairie as they did east of the Mississippi, not taking into account what their bad farming techniques and herds of cattle eating all the grass and not replacing it would do. It was truly a case of people not realizing the major consequences of their actions until it was too late. One thing they won't teach you about the Dust Bowl is, people died from those storms. Some suffocated, others died of pneumonia from dirt getting into their lungs and permanently getting stuck in there (it's similar to Silicosis some people suffer when not covering their faces up during sandstorms, and breathing in the sand). seeding has only been around since the 20th century, but you're right, it's not new, and it's been badly managed since its inception, and other countries get to see why it was heavily regulated, if not outright banned in the US. I remember hearing about cloud-seeding from the mid-20th century. It's either been banned in some states, or used in limited ways here, because there were incidents where desert states would get rain, but then the states to the east who depended on rain from the Rockies got mad and yelled "You stole our rain!" and lawsuits were filed. I seem to recall that the UAE is a teeny tiny peninsula in the Persian Gulf, so they actually didn't need much to get clouds to drop rain on them. When you're surrounded by ocean water, such as on a peninsula, you tend to get a lot more moisture in the air, both from the ocean, and the sky. Sounds like someone overdid it with the cloud-seeding, showing what happens when you don't have safety regulations in place for an operation like that. I hope they're proud of being responsible for all the property damage and the people they killed. Oh they were doing that even further back than the 80s. It's why Nixon started the fake "war on drugs," because someone caught the FBI making deals with drug lords in Mexico, so they put on a fake campaign to make it look like they were fighting to stop that very thing from happening to US citizens, and the American Public fell for the lie. Basically, I'm guessing since the Cold War was over, the military complex needed a new enemy to fight that would keep the money rolling in, as well as our troops battle-ready, so the CIA looked to the Middle-East as a rich source of conflict, and boy did they get it.