WickedStorm's Replies

Just about every show has a "white people are bad, all of them racist, no black people ever do bad things, all are eternal victims" message to it. Pretty much what I expected it to be. Or a catholic priest saying sex without marriage is wrong. Then forcing sex on little boys. Yeah - the generation that eats Tide Pods and needs "safe spaces" really is "more sophisticated, better educated and informed on the important issues." The "woke" crowd. No, because I am not that type of person. My grandfather on my mother's side dealt with oppression and discrimination when he first (legally) came to this country. He never committed any crimes. My grandfather on my father's side also dealt with discrimination just for being of Irish descent and never committed any crimes. Jesse James never killed innocent people? It will be the "new" history. Only certain parts shown to get certain reactions. No, it has white characters. Of course, every. single. one. is a bigot. It was what I expected it to be. Every white person - "prejudiced." Black people - "justified" in whatever they did. I saw enough. No, just after robbing people. Instead of letting them live after robbing them. Was central a/c around then? Even if the rest of the house had it, I doubt the attic would have had it. It must have been really hot up there. Any time the liberals disagree with someone, they use their favorite "____phobia." Then again, liberals are known for being "tolerant" and "open-minded" as long as you totally agree with them and ask no questions. I know that. But towards the end, did he ever marry? Maybe they were on the show too long and were type-cast? I am from imdb! Blair's family earned the money. That is what I said. Blair had an allowance and a trust fund from her family's money, not hand-outs from working people. She also did earn a small amount of her own money working in Mrs. Garret's gourmet shop. Except that her family earned their money that they gave her. Many people getting hand-outs never earned anything in their lives. I think her parents were doctors, and a little snobby. I believe there was one episode when they wanted to take her out of Eastland and send her to a "better" school. Also, most likely all students going there had to be somewhat wealthy to afford the tuition and other fees. Which character had the drug addiction? The one in Blossom or the one in Mr. Belvedere? I don't remember that in Mr. Belvedere, but I had stopped watching the show. He had explained how Mike became president but deleted it for some reason. Maybe it was wrong? Exactly! I got the impression that they stopped being friends that day, or because of their trip.