MovieChat Forums > RickGee

RickGee (258)


Is this a cartoon? Ii hate these cliffhanger endings. Zombieland 2 One of the most darling, girl next door, wanna have her . . . I think . . .. I respect everybody's opinion, and do not wish to argue whether this is good or bad. But, here's my problem. "Don't cry in front of the Mexicans." Emma Stone in this movie. A timeless beauty. Is she, from her 20s into her 50s . . . View all posts >


The most advanced species we have ever met is a giant octapus. Abbot and Costello Because the filmmakers thought that filming everything in the dark might not be annoying enough, so they further obscured those scenes with fog, just to make sure. That is correct. Still a cheesy line to end a mediocre film. It was not hard to understand. It was just annoying. The town may have been okay, but that doesn't mean Kane would have been. There is nothing to indicate the Miller gang would have just forgotten about him if he had left town when they arrived. He knew he would always be looking over his shoulder until he confronted them. Peck starred in The Gunfighter, which came out in 1950, and thought it was the definitive western so he passed on High Noon. You may be projecting. These days Reynolds picks up extra cash from acting. Most of his $350 million worth did not come from screen roles. It's been 8 years since your response so no one will probably see this, but I had to vent about the comments I see that shaky cam is there to be realistic or, as you put it, "let the viewer feel what it's like to be in the middle of it." But that is not true. I have been in crises situations, and the people, places and thinks I am looking at are not jumping around like they are in a shaky cam. A shaky cam might be described as showing a viewer what a recording looks like when a person is running around in a crises situation, but not what is feels like to actually be there observing. Further, for many of us, the shaky cam is distracting, gets old quick and makes it difficult to endure an entire movie of that junk. View all replies >