MovieChat Forums > numero14

numero14 (17)


The ending should have been darker Racist movie Post-Credit Scene spoiler Movie theatre screen had a big shitstain A VERY STUPID MOVIE Where were the 'Fix-its' on 9/11? Lee Donowitz's outburst and he get shot........ Lance should have been arrested The movie would've been funnier if Jack was David Lightman's time in prison View all posts >


Michael Madsen's character was the villain earlier in the movie. He was willing to follow orders and do whatever it took, even if it meant killing his own superior, to get the job done. "Are you going to bark little doggie, or are you going to bite?" Nope, Someone probably went to the restroom took some brown shit and smeared it on the screen. The room really stunk. Yeah, they shot him up....typical Mafia loose ends. When Dick went back home, he found a shot up Floyd and probably continued to wet his shorts afterwards. An homage to Nick Nolte's role in 48 hrs. where his character kept calling Eddie Murphy's character the N-word. Harry should have invested some stock in some Cap'n Crunch, instead. That is all he was good for, since he married such a bitch of a wife. View all replies >