MinorityRules15's Replies

It was $728 but tax and tip was $239 and brought it to $967. You can see on the bill: 6 custard flan ...$48 1 pastry cart... $210 8 Strawberry Tarts...$76 36 chocolate covered strawberries....$47 But that only accounts for $381 <blockquote>And of course she would let you. Sure she would</blockquote> You never know...she hasn't seen me yet. hot...would smash even with the "weird-ass nose." Maybe you have weird-ass nose, too. Are you saying she should go back to her own country and be with the other "disgusting filthy" Koreans? Because it would be very racist of you to think that she should go back to Korea because that's where yellow people belong. America is for everyone. She was born in California, idiot!!! I might have to report your post for hate speech. Disgusting. (just kidding) <b>Originally posted by csweetleaf2:</b> <blockquote>I did, as a kid I had a hard time watching that scene.</blockquote> Funny you mention that. I remember growing up and one of my friend's dad's was built like an Arnold Schwarzenegger type of guy and he would wince and clench his teeth and yell "NO NO NO!!!!" at the TV whenever Marv stepped on the nail going down the basement stairs. <b><i>This movie is enough to make grown men cower in terror.</b></i> That is true. The Wet Bandits really became obsessed with wanting to murder Kevin. Even Harry said he wanted to bite off all his fingers one at a time. It is really quite funny that 2 grown men wanting to brutally murder a child is played for laughs. All Kevin had to do was call the cops and hang out with Old Man "South Bend Shovel Sayer" Marley eating pizza and popcorn and Pepsi until the cops showed up. Instead, Kevin insisted on almost burning Harry alive with the blowtorch and almost burned his hand off by the front door. Interesting. He wouldn't be that angry if he was on pot. "If Higbee thinks I'm working one minute past 9:00, he can kiss my foot!" Harry: We'll come back around 9:00 when it's dark. Marv: Yeah, kids are scared of the dark! Harry: You're afraid of the dark too, Marv. You know you are. Marv: No, I'm not! Harry: Yes, you are. Marv: Not, not, not! Even for practical purposes...the house was torn to shit after all his traps on The Wet Bandits. Just wait at Old Man Marley's and tell the cops to come when you see them pull up at 9:00 and then you don't have to waste a million hours cleaning up the house. That is a good point. One such believable plausible explanation would be that Spicoli or someone in their group of friends knows someone who owns a pizzeria so they can make pizza whenever they want. I haven't seen the movie in a while but I remember the bats chasing her out of the house in the beginning. Did those bats follow her for over 20 years? I remember if things were released from the game they stick around until the game is done. A lot of those examples are all pretty much what I described. I did agree there would be people who are offended, but there's always people who are offended. I still think the movie would be released. Yeah, the joke is that Frank is a cheap asshole. I know. She was stronger than most of the other characters. She managed to stun Michael a few times. She even improvised some weapons. "Stay Woke" goes back to the 1930's. But now it's in the mainstream and you have all different kinds of people coming into contact with this stuff for the first time...and well...here we are. You will have to tell me what you mean by wokeness. There's various levels. My opinion on it can vary based on each level. But, I will say that I don't get all mad and offended and outraged like a tender little flake about it like all the right-wingers do...a lot of those people are the biggest flakes of them all. They way they look like they are about to pop a blood vessel over some of the milquetoast shit is actually quite amusing. No problem. You're welcome. He's probably a little kid. Especially with a nerdy ass username like that.