MinorityRules15's Posts

If this show was real life.... Didn't Negan already spend a winter with them? What if Obama said the things Trump says? Was Jesse too hardcore for anyone else? Clips of Obama Derangement Syndrome If "socialism" is implemented, how many on the right will leave the country? Jussie Smollett FULL Interview on alleged attack Would a "place that refuses to serve Christians" be the headliner on Fox News? Donald Trump's Speeches As An Early 2000s Emo Song George was big into sci-fi... Was "The Old Man" an Atheist? What do you think Walt's response would've been? After Rewatching, it seems like Hank should've suspected Walt sooner Why Didn't Gus Kill Walt After... McClane could've easily killed Hans at the "Bill Clay" moment The Ending.. That was a nice apartment Andy had Brenda's body flies through the window at the end.... Where did Lip get the 10 grand?