MovieChat Forums > kjc219

kjc219 (10)


Frank made a mistake forcing Walker out View all posts >


You probably shouldn't talk about things you dont know. Because Zach is right, and you're wrong. Ahhh but in your OP, you said Cavill was GOING to lose the role to Elba. You weren't talking about principle then, princess. You stupidly believed an unconfirmed rumor and now you're desperately backtracking :). Next time don't get your panties in such a twist, little girl. And its very funny you say the other poster is an a-hole and asked why he's so angry...and then proceed to give such an angry, whiny, tantrum yourself :). You're funny princess. While I think people understandably assume it's the Bordon that truly loved Sarah, I think it's more interesting and disturbing that we actually can never know. I know the Freddie Bordon did say, "We should have told Fallon" but that could just be because he knew that Bordon would be happy since he loves Sarah. But since we know they share one life completely, it's likely Freddie slept with Sarah sometimes. And maybe one of those times conceived Jess. Really makes you understand even more why Sarah killed herself. She could have had that same thought, of how many times she actually slept with her husbands twin brother and could he be the father. Yeah, I get why Angier blamed Bordon but that whole trick was poorly planned if it went wrong. They clearly never tested to see how quick they could smash the glass, or if other axes worked better. But several guys, even just one more along with Cutter, would have definitely saved Julia in time. Since it was an early release as part of a deal, absolutely judges can take a family members statement into account. That doesn't mean they will, but they can. A judge can actually reject a deal if he deems it not fair or wrong. So had Bruce spoken, the judge definitely could have taken into account and kept Chill in prison to serve his full sentence. Now as someone pointed out the judge was corrupt and was going to let Chill go no matter what so Falcone could kill him, but if we pretend he wasnt corrupt for arguments sake, he could take Bruce's statement into account. You do realize Zach is right when he says Elba isn't going to be the next Bond, right? So your whole thread is worthless now because he was never even offered the role. He was just a popular choice. That's it. You come off as extremely whiny in this post and your OP. Because you're whining about something that will never happen. It's called patience, son. Not jumping the gun, and overreacting to a rumor. One day you'll learn that. Until now, you're just a kid with no self control, freaking out over nothing and making something small into a big deal. You'll outgrow that one day. And your comparison to casting Ryan Gosling as Black Panther is both wrong and ignorant lol. Black Panther is from an all black country. It would make no sense for a white person to play him. James Bond was written as a white man, but it's not necessary to make sense for the story. Bond's race has no affect on his character or story. A better attempt for you would be to say, "Idris Elba playing Bond would be like Ryan Gosling playing Falcon". See why that makes more sense? Because Falcon has always been written as a black man, but he doesn't NEED to be a black man. His race doesn't matter for his story. Just like James Bond. Cast a white guy as Black Panther and it makes no sense. Cast a white guy as Falcon, nothing in those movies change. Understand? Next time be better with your criticisms. Try to make them accurate and make sense. Because your whole post was a lot of ranting and very arrogant. And again, pointless, because Elba won't be playing Bond. Yeah like the other poster said when the bill was being voted on, there was still enough time for someone else to join the race that wasn't the vice president. That would have ruined everything. He was arguably the most essential team member. Without him, they were screwed. 1. Fallout 2. Ghost Protocol 3. MI3 4. Rogue Nation 5. MI 6. MI2 View all replies >