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zachattack2 (28)


Will there be a new villain? View all posts >


I heard Christian Bale was considered, he would have been a great choice I think he might have a small role, but probably not major. Unless he's working with a new villain for revenge or something. I just hope they don't have him redeemed and friends with Elsa and Anna, after what he did they should never forgive him Jeremy Irons might not have wanted to do it again. It would also be pointless if the movie kept just adding the old cast members. Let's give someone else a chance to give an iconic villain voice. JJ is an original That is a good point actually, I've never thought of that. It could have actually made a really funny ending scene if a after the "owner" came and took the car, Joey was standing where it was parked, looking disappointed he can't pretend it's his anymore, and then another guy walks up in a panic and says, "Has anyone seen my Porsche, it was parked right here!!". Joey: "Yeah don't worry, the owner came by a little while ago and I gave him the...." And then he does his massive eye opening thing he does when he's shocked. But so what? Does his fucking skin color seriously matter that much? I'd rather have Richard Madden since he's younger but honestly, who gives a fuck as long as the actor is good? You are crying and are making an issue out of nothing. He would have been a good Bond if he was cast. But he wasnt, so you can calm your tits. Also, Daniel Craig doesn't fit that description of Bond. 5'10, light brown hair, no scar, much more buff build. Did you hate his casting? Actually, lots of people did hate it and whine about it, and then once they saw him in the role, he became one of the best Bonds ever. Interesting. You know what's funny? Is he HASN'T been cast as Bond. He's actually said he isn't going to be the one next one. The rumor now is it's going to be Richard Madden from Game of Thrones. Sooo how did they get their way exactly? For them to get their way, wouldnt he have to, uhhh, ya know, PLAY James Bond? But he isn't, so now you can stop your whining since it was never even happening other than a rumor and some fans wanting it. But could you even give one reason why he shouldn't have been Bond? You act like people wanted Tyler fucking Perry or Chris Rock to play Bond. Elba is a great actor, good looking, in good shape, British, has done action roles before. So tell me sport, why would you cry if he was cast? The only negative is he's too old, but you don't mention that, so you don't seem to care about his age. Wrong yet again, sport. Netflix decided to end the series after seasons 6 after Anthony Rapp's allegations. But Spacey wasn't fired until the allegations from crew members. Are you really going to dispute facts? There's this thing called google, have you heard of it? Try it out. It comes in handy. But incase you can't, here's a link for an article that breaks Spacey's firing. He was fired a week after Rapp's allegations. In between, he was accused of rape or attempted rape by other underage boys AND of assault and harassment by cast and crew members of the show. He was fired because of his actions to the crew members. You were wrong. Grow up and just admit you were wrong. It's not hard. View all replies >