MovieChat Forums > MisfortuneCookie

MisfortuneCookie (1)



I guess the left should have thought about these actually important issues before they pushed so much identity politics, equality of outcome, marxist, systemically racist crap through their platform that they became completely unpalatable to the sane. I'd rather be celibate and never worry about the legality of abortion than continue to be at an educational, economic, and social disadvantage just because I was born with light skin in a country that was founded by Europeans and was 90% ethnic-European until 40 years ago. My ancestors built the most tolerant countries on earth. My ancestors were the first people to end slavery. The most tolerant and welcoming nations on earth were built by my ancestors, but the left thinks I deserve to suffer for that. No more. If the left ever wants to be in power again, they're going to have to decide to treat everyone as an equal individual. The line has been drawn. We do not want unqualified air traffic controllers who got the job just because they're "diverse." When airplanes fall out of the sky, we will know in what direction to point the finger. Their next platform will be about reparations for black people. I hope we figure out how to determine which black people had slave-owning ancestors themselves, and which are ancestors of the Africans who sold their kin to the highest bidder. Or does the left want all light skinned people to carry that burden as well? No doubt they do. This is the voice of a life-long democrat who just had enough. No more. View all replies >