JerrGroovBjorgen's Replies

Wanna... hang out now... or in future... or be enemies? Or whatever... Hi Fred, KthΓ— for the response. Sorry for the late reply πŸ˜ͺ You know, your name rings a bell. Bear in my mind, the recesses of my mind would make M.C. Escher confukd... The Film General days were the some of the best days of my youth... getting to talk crap about my fave topic (back then) with people who knew as much as (or more) about it as I did. I miss not having to dumb down my film lingo, having to explain who... say, Conrad L. Hall or Miklos Rosza were (are?) or having endless raving debates about whether someone is an "auteur" or not, which movie is overrated (or underrated) and how Brian De Palma is better at Hitchcock than Hitchcock... *sigh* There's no message board that compares. πŸ˜πŸ˜‘ I think I'll go start one. Standby. "When life gives lemons, just say 'f#ck the lemons' and bail." 😏 Did we ever hang out? Thanks, I'll check it out.