MovieChat Forums > TheOneWhoKnocks

TheOneWhoKnocks (8)


Wow. Just wow. A Question that Needs to Be Asked Makes me think of Chappelle Sad to see so many weaklings buckled View all posts >


The final installment of the Skywalker saga already happened. Luke died like a fart in the wind. The end. I could not possibly care less what Disney does with the IP now. I hope all the groups they were trying win over support SW universe the way all us unwannated old curmudgeons did. But I doubt they will... No. I am under no obligation to support movies i don't like or the production company that has been openly hostile toward me as a fan of the SW franchise. If KK accomplishes her goal and pulls in enough new fans to keep her vision of SW alive, then it'll continue on in the direction she guides it. That's fine, but it'll be without my financial support. Or, if KK stays, and the franchise peters out, I don't care--it's the same either way to me. I'm not seeing her films. I also didn't go see movies starring Dane Cook. Not because I wanted to deprive others of his talents, but because I didn't care for him. They could still be casting him in starring roles and I wouldn't care. The fact that they aren't is fine with me too. Same result for me: I'm not watching his movies. No, this is my first time on moviechat. I used to post a little on IMDb. It IS possible that more than one person is displeased with how Disney is treating us longtime fans. Every person you can keep from tithing their money to god-disney is a small victory. You are correct, I cannot speak to the deficiencies of Solo, I am simply choosing to withhold my dollars from Disney until KK is shown the door. View all replies >