theroy1's Replies

Haha ..He adressed in that way a lot that’s for sure One of the really beautiful things about that scene is how you see the love that Charlie has for Pauly until then you just see it but just not quite that intense And it’s also a preview of how even though they’re both scared of bed bug Eddie - you see how Charlie has the balls to take him on because he loves Pauly so much I agree with everyone here it really is a shame It didn’t do better at the box office because it is such a universal story at least in the sense that the love they have between him and How they’re a great team Thanks Adam - yea that makes sense with the tips and skimming Yea I agree it’s confusing As far as the Break in I don’t know if this helps The cop had been recording his meetings with a bed bug Eddie in case something went wrong in bed bug Eddie ratted on the cop as backwards as that sounds LOL Why bedbug was paying off the police I’m not sure exactly As it seems like he pretty much ran the neighborhood anyway but I guess they figured the most subtle way to do it was for the cop to come and take a money one of his businesses As it was done at night it would afford him the best cover As far as falling down he just fell down the elevator shaft because I guess he wasn’t that good under fire and got nervous from Barney yelling and assumed that the guys had a gun on them and was going backwards so he didn’t see the shaft but yeah that is a very good streak of good luck for the three guys and a bit unrealistic i agree Though I always thought it was kind of cool how gutsy it was of Barney to fake out the cop by yelling and at least in the movie Pauly and Charlie never give them credit for kind of saving their butt that way And Staying cool under pressure