Imboring's Replies

Same here. Yep! From Delilah's house. Recent widow. Let me just stuff these things in my jacket. No big deal. It was ridiculous. Everthing about her insertion into the group is weird. The only member of the group that is separate from her is Eddie, and that's obviously because they don't want the cheater character to have any interactions with the love interest of another character. If you're lucky enough to never have dealt with any depression, then I can somewhat understand why this might be hard for you to understand. Depression isn't always caused by an outside source. Things can be going well in your life, but you still are depressed. It is a chemical imbalance. You can be a millionaire and still be depressed. OP, I don't fault you for thinking this way, many people who haven't experienced depression think the same way you do. For those with depression, it's not as easy as just sucking it up and being happy with what they have. If you haven't experienced it yourself, it's very difficult to actually understand fully. Exactly! She is kind of becoming a character that can do no wrong within her placement within the friends. She just knows to bring the wine and glasses with no indication of where they were going? (In the pilot). It makes no sense. She is too perfect. I didn't find them getting together to be all that odd. Shared bad experiences bringing two people together for what in real life would be a completely toxic relationship, but in this show will most likely be "love". I definitely thought that was a bit odd too. She's casually sleeping with Gary, but then they all integrate her into their lives like it's nothing and she belongs there. It doesn't really make much sense, especially since Gary seems to be the kind of guy that casually sees a lot of women. In real life, they would all most likely be keeping their distance from her because they know that her "relationship" with Gary won't last very long. Instead they are acting like she was the missing piece to their group or something. It's definitely not very realistic. I'm continuing to watch the show, but it's definitely flawed in a lot of ways. Noah had classic anger issues that were never dealt with and made no sense in the story. He also very definitely had classic abuser signs. Awful movie. Awful