MovieChat Forums > Kementiri

Kementiri (53)


Still no birth control.... Not watchable Was Grandmother malfunctioning? Have we learned something after all this time?? Best Neflix Show This Year Who would have thought? Austrian accents Eps. 4 Cheesy Copy cat T.V Series View all posts >


It was completely stupid stupid. You're so right lol. Well if you really want to watch an end of days movie go and watch Threads. When it came out in 1984 I was 17 and threat of nuclear war was pretty real during the Reagan era. Living in Canada I thought well if that movie ever came to pass I would be safe living on the west coast of Canada. A very deluded idea of course. That movie scarred me for life. It's about as real as it gets. There is always canned food , army rations, which could last for YEARS. Also I am thinking there were seeds you could grow for things. You don't need meat to survive I guess. I think Zack knew it the effect would happen again. And it was obvious he was quite jealous of Api. Maybe he hoped Api would die and hewould get a redo with just him and Joanne lol. Who knows. TTLDR skimmed because you wrote a pile of nonsense. Trust me they DID use rotary phones in 1985 as well as vinyl, 8 track tapes and yes the RADIO. I'm not sure how old you are (I am guessing you are gen z or something ) but from your attempt trying to analyse the movie you failed to understand it completely. Of course you would to all the things he did. You do everything you were probably never allowed to do and then some that you only imagined you might do. Then reason would set in. He's also a scientist so I'm sure he knows more than the average person does. It was a GREAT movie its time. Too bad you couldn't enjoy it for what it was. I'm glad I am not the only one that thought there was a <happy> ending. They had a dog, live children and the woman explained their side of the story well. If they really wanted to eat something those two kids and the dog would be sandwiches. No all the animals did not die. The family at the end had a dog. So who knows what else survived. I doubt it and it's kind of ridiculous that they think we are going to believe that as well. The Bolsheviks were Red Army and supported the government(Lenin)and were led by Trotsky vs. The White Army which were made up of everyone else I guess. View all replies >