FoxRacerXPSP3's Replies

Another new year, another new site, another new FoxRacer persona. Now you probably don't remember that but it's a relic of an era when I posted whatever I wanted, reserving some minor semblance of humourous directi (if not factual onerousificity, and floorgin sneezinhoopie) rather than just horkusnorfulating crap from other sites like I do now Whew I'm glad that's over with. Permit me one more enubulous nod, O Blessed Lady of the Motocross Circuit. Sing in me, O Muzak that singeth in my dish (this year: Geosatpro 3' Ku-band with Invacom linear dual-band LNBF). See that I don't! Ommmm. Consider this me 15 years ago: Only if he were a privateer then I would have been him. By the by: does that Merdog girl from the "Reboot" threads still come round any more? I have in mind to rebuild my Lego Mainframe of generations long past. Um, sorry. Long day today. Okay yall. Talk the talk, warp the wrap and hostel la bandana, babyz! From Washougal Park, this is FoxRacer XP (Service Pack 3), Channel 125 News.