nevadaR's Replies

What movie have you watched, you idiot? No one is taking advantage of Elio. No one. He is the horny one humping everything that moves. Oliver does NOT force OR even initiate sexual contact with Elio. Oliver also doesn’t have any position of power over Elio. Your comparison to Weinstein is nonsensical. This is a consensual and legal relationship. I think your homophobia makes you write stupid things. What's Harvey Weinstein got to do with this? Some of you are really retarded. It's unbelievable. Oliver is 24, not 30. Just because Elio's not 18 yet doesn't make it wrong or illegal, welcome to the real world where most teenagers start their sex life at 15 or 16. Elio is above the legal age of consent and the characters embark on a very gradually and mutually respectful relationship. So stop throwing words like pedophilia or molestation when the movie is about a legal and consensual relationship. This has been discussed ad nauseam and I'm tired of explaining obvious things to idiots who use words they don't understand.