MovieChat Forums > Arcturus

Arcturus (10)



Ha. That's actually pretty articulate for a fan of Ghostbusters '16... You're a simple guy. No harm in that I guess... "The soundtrack was so bad" Fuck you. Seriously... Paul Feig IS a woman... You almost managed to say something intelligent there. Almost... This film being 'bad' isn't even subjective. From all angles, it was a dreadful, bitter, offensively unfunny piece of shit. Pick your battles... Completely disagree. For me it was a respectful, evocative and extremely distinctive film. It's very rare one can say that about a big-budget sci-fi... If you maintain that anyone who thinks this way is either deluding themselves, or has appalling taste in cinema, then you really need to take a step back and consider the idea that you're talking out of your anus... He was absolutely fine... Bit naive of you to be honest. "That one eyed bitch that was gag inducing"... Seriously, that comment is so incredibly stupid that it negates anything else you say regardless... It's mainly about the mood. Guess it either clicks with you or it doesn't. The film washed over me like a weird dream. Extremely refreshing in this climate of quick-cut, noisy bullshit. This film more than met my expectations... Here's an idea: Get off your fucking phone when you're watching the film... Philistine idiot... View all replies >