spiderduck1997's Replies

He'd also be facing an Identity Theft charge for stealing his therapist's ID badge. Barbara and Susan(Ali's friends from Part I) haven't appeared yet, either. I thought Bruce Willis's performance was far more Oscar worthy than Travolta's. How about opposite Tom Holland? good choice! I'm pretty sure that choking can kill someone. I disagree. Kreese choked Johnny. Johnny could have died if not for Miyagi's intervention. In Episode 9 of Cobra Kai, Johnny described the incident as Kreese trying to kill him, so I would argue that Kreese was guilty of 2nd Degree Attempted Murder. I wasn't talking about if the show had gone this route. I was talking about what would have happened in an alternate universe where Robby joined Cobra Kai instead of Miyagi Do Karate. I know. I really despise how they weakened Daniel's character in this movie. Daniel whining on the mat about how he is afraid and wants to go home makes no sense at all because: 1. In the previous film, Daniel won a DEATH MATCH against a Japanese Karate Master. Daniel should not be afraid of some punk kid in some kiddy tournament after this. Daniel should have returned to America Strong, Assertive, Confident, and able to stand up for himself and fight his own battles and hold his own against opponents. 2. It was also out of character for Daniel. For example, in the first film, after Bobby injured his leg, Daniel asks Miyagi to fix leg for him so he can continue fighting, saying that if he doesn't go on, he will never have balance in life. Daniel is adamant about continuing, and doesn't cry about wanting to go home despite his injured leg. Another example, In Part 2, Daniel fights Chozen to the death. Daniel is willing to put his life on the line and does not back down from the fight. Daniel in the first 2 films is a kid who refused to back down with things got tough, a major contrast to the version of Daniel that we see in Part III. I think that Haim would be a bit young. I think that Howell would have been perfect for the role of Baby if the film had been made in the 80s. I didn't say anything about Yasmine. Miguel and Yasmine would only date each other if they both really wanted to piss Sam off. Could go either way to be honest. Maybe if Johnny tells Miguel that Robbie is his son Miguel will be less hostile towards him. Another way is that Aisha tells Sam that Miguel thought that she was cheating on him with Robbie. Personally I think that Miguel and Sam should talk to each other about it and hear each other out and if Sam still doesn't get back with him, he should tell her that he still wants to be friends with her and does not want anymore animosity between the two of them. Also with Miguel as the New Champion, He can pick up any other girl he wants, so if I were him I wouldn't be too upset about Sam. I don't know about about Miguel beating Daniel in a street fight. If it is after Part 2 Daniel knows the drum technique. I think that Johnny would make fun of Mike Barnes for losing to Daniel by one punch. You know, I have thought about this too( not too often, but a fair amount). I always assumed that they called it "the Under 18 All Valley Tournament" instead of "the 18 and Under All Valley Tournament" because the former name is shorter. I'm guessing that the KKIII tournament took place before Daniel's 19th Birthday. Another possibility is that Daniel lied about his age in order to compete in the first tournament. Another possibility is that it wasn't really Daniel's Birthday yet and they were celebrating it a few days early because his mother was going to go out of town for something. https://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/films/40-sequels-that-never-happened/82944 April 2, 2018, although Cosby's attorneys are trying to get the case tossed out on technicalities. I don't know what Simon was talking about. In the strip tease scene, her ass clearly looks like a woman's ass.