MovieChat Forums > stinky > Replies

stinky's Replies

Apparently not everyone uses baggies so not everyone can relate to it. It's interesting to compare this scene with a certain scene in the recent Dream Scenario movie. On a recent rewatch I briefly thought maybe they used a double for Keaton in the scene towards the end when the Rat Pack falls through the floor. Since the scene is slightly sped up you only see his character a split second (and from the side). So I rewound it and paused and it indeed is Keaton. I know falling onto a mattress or whatever it's the hardest of stunts, but indeed it's impressive the 69 year old still had it in him. Back then a sign saying "drugs" indicated it was a drugstore, not that they were advocating heroin, crack, and whatnot. Example: "The main reason to watch any of these movies is nostalgia" Not sure exactly what "these movies" refers to, but the main reason to watch DSS is that it's a great movie. Any nostalgia is a bonus. Read any of your countless past comments on movechat. You just spend your time making numerous dumb comments. I like how people in this thread say both "that was actually very daring for it's time" and "they weren't so sensitive about race talk". Like pick a lane. Sam Mendes is busy making quality movies. You're busy making insipid comments on moviechat. Just go away. Preachy?! Get the f*ck out of my office. In another era I'm sure you would have cheered the Hays Code. People like you should stay away from cinema. Stick with your superhero movies. It is great. It's the type of film that makes you not want to watch another film for awhile because you know it won't be as good. Seeing it on the largest screen possible is recommended. Just because you don't get/like certain humor doesn't mean it's "humorless". The one thing that wasn't clear was the combination lock. Was it in use when the detectives came by and briefly questioned the brother? Or did the abductor just start using it again he was letting the lower door be open for Finn to "escape"? "He wasn't living with him, he was living across from him." This is not correct. The brother was in the same house that Finn was kept in. When Finn leaves the basement you can see the board of clippings in the living room. Why do you want them described? We get it, you hop from movie to movie to complain about them. How amazing. You posted this same thing last week, no one reacted to your troll bait and so you posted it again. 🤦 What an awful take. Maybe learn about generational trauma. But instead you'll probably just keep harping on the "lesbo". Is this place now just 75% trolls? Natalie is hilarious in this movie. Sure, it falls under the trope of geeky friend of a main character, but I didn't mind that. She seemed so real and it was sad when she bowed out before the final third of the movie. Although I can picture her still sitting there and emphatically describing the phone call, so maybe it was fine that that was the last time we saw her. Seriously though, she was hilarious. Where is the Natalie Fan Club?