Sandman27's Replies

Thank you Dick Dick for finding the time from your torrid wanking schedule. You can resume again, but then again, I didn't even need to say that, yes?🤪🤪🤪 Then I'll just give it to the charity I designate. Probably to the veterans. Or, I can use it for what its intended purposes was for and spend it on local businesses, yes? And how about you, dogdump? Giving it to your mother for your room and board? Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Oh? Pray elaborate then. Good job for Lysol in capitalizing on the issue created by the dems and leftist media for FREE ADVERTISING. 👍 So the majority likes having to pay a higher cost, while getting less in service? I disagree. Your "blue wave" has nothing to do with Obamacare specifically. If it does, prove it. Show me some links. Have taken in any illegals since Obama put them in cages? No? So you bitch about it that other people should subsidize these unfortunates, but not you. You'll just advocate for them without incurring any financial burden on your own, yes? Do I pay taxes on my stimulus check? Yes I do. Do you pay taxes on your section 8 housing credit? No. Do you pay taxes on your WIC benefits? No. Do you pay taxes on your food stamps? No. How Ignorant are you, kkk? Good job, dems! You did exactly what the corporation wanted you to do! You gave them FREE ADVERTISING. I have to hand it to the corporations marketing dept for doing what they did. They capitalized on how dems and the media took Trump's words out of context. Now, it's news across the nation with their brand attached to it. How much did it cost? Nothing! Brilliant advertising! The corporation thanks you, dems. Give yourselves a pat on the back for that one. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump? 🤪🤪🤪 And yet, here you are bitching about it. Contradict much? Indoctrinated much, kkk? Obama didn't represent American values. Did the majority want Obamacare? No and it doesn't work. As a black president, he only caused a further racial divide in the country with all of the racial things he did and did not do. I never asked for an investment in Solyndra nor could I vote on that or the stupid cash for clunkers program. I didn't support the auto bailout either and I didn't approve Op. Fast & Furious. I didn't approve cap & trade nor the Iranian nuclear deal or what he did in Libya. Basically, he sucked overall. Wake up, kkk. Obama was a horrid president. Then answer the question. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...🤪🤪🤪 What??? Looks like Popcorny was right. A typo is one thing, but you don't even make sense. Stupid much? So did you tell the grammar gestapo, yes or no? You don't even give a counterargument and I'm rekt? Damn! Lazy much? Stupid much? Useless much? Why do you even reply in the first place? For "borrowing" my words, you're welcome. Again. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 How, pray tell? Again, for "borrowing" my words. You're welcome. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Fox News thanks you for your viewership. Did you read the article? It stated it was a retrospective data analysis on confirmed patients with SARS. This was not a clinical trial. That's a big difference. Rekt already? Next time, do your homework and check your work before turning it in, dogdump. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 Yes. NYT isn’t what it used to be. Did you read the article, singular, on Tara Reade’s allegations? It’s been news for weeks now it took them 14 days until their story was printed. Just for context, they printed several dozen stories on Blasey Ford’s allegations within that same time frame. They even edited after the fact, per Biden’s camp and didn’t even post it as an edited article. How can you be so willfully Ignorant to the facts that NYT is a left wing news agency? Ignorance is Strength, innit? Indoctrinated much, snowflake? Damn! Did you even watch the video? He didn't predict anything. He just gave a hypothetical. If he was predicting it, then why did he invest in an oil company in 2019? Counter intuitive, innit? If he predicted it, why didn't he take any short positions? When you turn in your homework, it's expected to be complete and thorough. This is half-ass at best. You did no research and just took the click bait. You get a C, for effot in actually posting a link, but an F in achievement for not even watching the clip or reading the article. I mean, how stupid is that? Like, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪 So then why do you keep ignoring the sign and continue to feed the troll, as they say, pray tell? You keep coming back, do you not? Again and again. Time after time. I mean, how fragile is your ego to try to save face in protecting the stupid things you've already said? Why can't you just admit that you painted yourself into the stupid corner? I mean you acknowledged your idiocy from your own words. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... How many times have I given you free advice and said your freestylin' sucks. it's not going to change overnight. Stick to your indoctrinated scripted responses. Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪 Per you, not only are my posts a waste of time, they are also boring. Yet, here you are. Again. And again. And again. And again. If this isn’t an admission of nothing to live for in life, then I don't know what one is. Now you say you believe everything you say, yes? Is this another glorious display of that? I mean, you insult yourself. I don’t have to do anything.😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪 Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?