MovieChat Forums > Mario32

Mario32 (65)


Movie in which Dennis Farina plays a prosecutor and sleeps with a woman named Miss Kilian. Movie in which escaped convict takes old man's wife from his limo. What episode of Arliss is this? Blonde woman wearing black boots sitting next to Malcolm. Wasn't Sebastian basically a prisoner? I'm still looking for the name of the actress who played Ms. Killian. What's the name of this sitcom? This is the BEST Death Race movie. What's the name of the girl with the black hair wearing the red t-shirt standing next to Mitch? What's the name of the actress who played Joker's navigator? View all posts >


No this was on tv in the 1990s, so it's much older. Great way to begin to movie. How do we know Mr. Nobody doesn't ALREADY know about Aimes? He probably already has a plan for dealing with him UNLESS Aimes is really working for Mr. Nobody. It could turn out later that Mr. Nobody is the real big bad and Aimes and Dante have been working to stop him. Maybe Aimes and Dante orchestrated all of this to expose Mr. Nobody to Dom and his crew for the villain that he really is. In another scene in the woman the black woman ran outside to a parking lot to find that all the tires were missing from her car. Also there was a scene where Dennis Farina was questioning a guy on the stand and mentioned him owning a care dealership(or factory, I don't remember)as well as a cement factory and ended the sentence with "Isn't that ironic?". Those are two more scenes that I remember from the movie. I honestly have no idea what the name of the movie is. When Eminem said he was gay is my favourite. I also like when Dave goes into the store and realizes everything is fake. I agree, it was funny the way Sebastian reacted. However he would have been seriously burned after that and they never show him experiencing the effects of that. Same here, I only saw this movie once when my cousin brought the dvd to my house and we watched it together. I mean it's OKAY, but it could have been better. We never get to see Sebastian explore his invisibility more. The special effects is really the only good thing about this movie. It's on Netflix but I couldn't be bothered to watch it. My parents saw it and they say it's good but I already read the entire plot on Wikipedia and the story just doesn't interest me at all. If they made an invisible man comedy like "Memoirs of an Invisible Man" with Chevy Chase, I would definitely watch it. True, it's weird that there's never any mention of an investigation into his death. A better ending would be if he woke up in the lab and Linda told him he passed out from the pain but they managed to make him visible again. That way the whole thing would be a dream and they would have succeeded with the project. Also that would mean that Sebastian wouldn't have raped or killed anyone. It was definitely Dennis Farina, I can remember the scene. There was black woman in the movie, I THINK it was Angela Bassett, but I could be wrong. View all replies >