MovieChat Forums > Yinky > Replies

Yinky's Replies

Get ready. It’s the new normal. He looks phenomenally better with the pinned ears. Nowadays she even looks like a loon. I was totally in love with him and Jordan Catalano. Promises, promises. What kind of boring-ass porn do you watch? Emma’s itty bitties and her bush qualifies as porn? Give Jenna Jameson a look-see. How did you see this a year ago? Did the blue eyes give him away? Silence of the Lambs I’m still here, asshat. That’s the director’s wife It was in the book. This POS cut a lot of characterization. I pictured him as Brad Pitt, but he’s too old. So they can make sequels. Not really. This is more Troma than torture porn. Not even close. Snarky Hell yes. I have been trying to work up the balls to watch it again. Then I got this sh*t. Nah. You all sound like jealous mean girls, hahaha! And doesn't pull her hand in her sleeve. All night.