SuperSonic's Replies

Hey guys. It’s already here. Only took 8 years but check out how AI is talking to people now.. worth rewatching the movie. Hey bro, nice to meet you and OP. That is exactly why I’m here. Watching it right now. Also realising how much I loved my life in 2013 and was so ungrateful. Now my life is becoming my dystopia. I hold this movie close regardless. I think you may be on to something here. I just came to the forums straight after rewatching Aliens for perhaps the several hundredth time, one of my favourites from childhood to present, 15 years or so of watching. I am still blown away. If they could stay true to the source material and recapture the atmosphere of this film with old school effects, then they could be on to a winner here. I for one would trust Netflix to revive this franchise. After Alien: Isolation, however unlikely a sequel to the game may be, my faith in the franchise was completely restored. It wasn't perfect but after the way I've had to watch possibly my favourite ever franchise be treated, it was a golden attempt. Yes I know the movies after this one, from most perspectives, flopped or did the story a disservice in some way. These creatures are scary. Space is scary. The lack of CG in favour of costumes and animatronics was scarier than CG will ever be. There is a huge market for scares on Netflix. The same recycled formula with the likes of movies like Annabelle, The Conjuring, The Nun etc. has been done to death. It's becoming clear that people are bored of it. New life is currently being breathed in to so much of 80's pop culture right now in movies and TV shows, so it wouldn't at all feel out of place. If anything it's the perfect time to do it. It would be a risk, but a bold one at that! They cast Paul Reiser (Carter Burke) in Stranger Things, during a stand off against the creatures in the show. I got major Alien vibes during that! Hudson: "Yeah man! Netflix should do it... Great idea!" Netflix: "Believe me we'd prefer not to, we may be rich, but we're not stupid." We promise we'll love it, Netflix! It's the justification I'm sticking with. Seems logical and helps with my own immersion in the movie. This thought crossed my mind once or twice over the years. I then took in to consideration the events that took place before and after the T-800 began making the noises. No noise: T-800 pressumably fresh from the production line, programmed objectives and sent back to 1984. Brand new machine, fresh hardware/software. Noise: After multiple road collisions, both direct and indirect. Multiple gunshots. Explosion, which damaged the T-800 enough to slow it significantly (broken foot etc. *Fire* The T-800 emerged from the flames and the noises begin. Heat causes metal to expand, causing more friction, causing more noise. Also any lubricant throughout the exoskeleton for the metal moving parts would have dried/burnt while exposed to the flames. I do believe a certain amount of grease is required in most machines with moving metal parts/motors. Ever run a fan without it? Or hear an old PC with unlubricated fans? Very loud. Like the original Xbox 360. I could be wrong and I'm aware it's only a movie (one of my all time favourites), but that's just my opinion, hehe.