melaniebaker2012's Replies

I had no idea Rocky's brother contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion until I read your comment. I thought he contracted it from his gay lover that died with AIDS. The didn't really straighten his hair for the movie, he wore straight hair extensions over his natural curly hair. I read an interview where he said he had to get the extensions burned off after he finished filming the movie. Nicky's dad couldn't have informed Nicky that Jess wasn't really Garriga's girlfriend because he didn't know she had anything to do with Nicky at first. When Nicky's dad confronted Jess about buying things with Garriga's credit he still didn't know she had anything to do with Nicky. Also, remember Nicky hid Jess from his dad when he barged into Nicky's hotel room. He didn't want his dad to know about her cause that would make him look soft and possibly cause problems for Nicky with his dad. By the time Nicky's dad found out about her being involved with Nicky he didn't have a chance to tell Nicky that she was never in Garriga's room because Garriga was around them the whole time and he wasn't going to drop the con in front of him.