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Rocksteady (25)



They aged Christopher Lloyd for the 1985 Doc. When we see him in 1955, he looks just as he would normally. This worked out well since we only see him in 1985 briefly. Then in the sequel, when he goes to 2015, he gets a treatment to de-age him. This way, his 1985 version doesn't need to have the makeup to make him look older. Exactly I agree with you. I've always said the same thing every time someone mentions that he's irrelevant. Yeah, everyone died, but there is a good chance that the Nazis would get a hold of the ark again and study it more. Or maybe they had someone as knowledgeable as indy waiting to look it over. Then they would use the power correctly. While indy did nothing to stop the nazis himself, he was the one who ultimately brought the ark back home. Everything he did in the movie made him able to be in position to take possession of the ark eventually. I replied before about Lord of the Rings, then I found this: this guy explains the inconsistency and even used the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings as examples about how to and how not to plan a trilogy. Thought it was interesting sorry if this was already posted before on the boards Haha, that's a lot of assuming. Good luck with the rest of your theories on here. You like to bring up fanboys, which is odd since there is nothing fanboyish about wanting consistent storytelling. But you're saying that people can't be creative unless they are given free reign. I'm saying that isn't necessarily the case. Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are very successful franchises that are bounded by an established narrative. There was still some creativity within both. And, it's not necessarily a directors fault but mainly Disney. JJ Abrams is back again, so he's doing 2 of 3 movies. He should have been given all three or not given them at all. From the beginning they should have hired someone willing to take on all three films to keep it consistent. They said they wanted a trilogy of films but they didn't provide any direction. We will see what JJ does in 9,but it's a little strange to build something in 7,have it altered in 8 by someone else. So you need someone who is completely established? I don't think so. But then, to that argument, why was Johnson used? He made a couple of mediocre movies and then was responsible for the biggest franchise. And you are telling me there is no one creative enough that is willing to helm 3 movies? Or at least write them? Peter Jackson did so with The Lord of the Rings just fine. Wasn't his story, but I guess he adapted them well enough. I don't like those movies but apparently many people did. It had been referred to as a sequel trilogy numerous times, plus based on previous experience, it would make sense. And there doesn't seem to be a story arc. Rian Johnson said a few times that he rewrote the script and changed established elements. Episode 7 was essentially a reboot of star wars. It continued the story but set up much more for future installments. Episode 8 took many things from 7 and made them irrelevant. Knights of Ren, Snoke, Rey's past, and made the quest for Luke to have a much smaller meaning. He essentially rebooted the reboot. That doesn't sound like having an outline to me. For the main saga, I rather have a set structure. Outside of that, do whatever you want. Well, Lucas had no trouble getting two more directors to do Empire and Jedi after Star Wars was considered to be one of the biggest movies of all time View all replies >