Clouseau2's Replies

There is one person at the very top - the creator of the game. That's a good idea but would probably not be accepted by the guards. They could have tied all their jackets together and formed a long rope. The first player steps on the glass, if (s)he falls through they pull him back up and proceed to the next panel. The show covered players surviving, but being severely injured many times. You can drop a great distance or be shot and survive. If you lose the game you die. Either by being burned up alive or by being put out of your misery with a bullet. I'm guessing the managers soldiers and workers had figured out a small conspiracy with just enough of them would work as each manager was assigned to watch only certain areas. But it's like letting prisoners stay in the same cell for years. It lets them tunnel out if they want to. Is this standard practice? Don't you want people monitoring video streams to switch between them, if just to avoid boredom? They were really good about guarding the players during the games (a few managed to briefly overpower or escape but never for long) and yet so incompetent in other ways - agreed! During the Tug of War he was definitely in danger - some people have pointed out in one shot it doesn't look like the old man was chained to the rope like the others but that looks like an error. He has locks in other shots. Player 1's strategy would have worked if his team was slightly weaker than the other team but they were extremely mismatched. The average man simply has far more upper body strength than the average woman. Plus they weigh more which is also crucial here. In real life there is no way superior tactics could have bridged a deficit of 4 players (3 small & thin women + 1 decrepit old man). Yup! You are right - maybe just a mistake by the film makers! Watch it again. He's shackled to the rope but his shackles are missing the padlocks the other players have. They all have an additional shiny padlock meaning they can't open the shackles. But he does not. S1 E5 @ 1.45 onward. You betcha! People have pointed out that he was the only one not locked to the rope - if he was going to go over the edge, he could have escaped unlike the other players. They already got in trouble for having her in the car whimpering while pulled over by the cops ... Perhaps they thought it would be easiest for them to tell Jerry where she was and have him pick her up later? I think so much went wrong none of these characters are thinking that clearly. Remember Carl keeps changing the plan as things fall apart and of course Wade showing up instead of Jerry was unexpected to Carl (Who the F are you? ha ha ha). The last Bond movie I saw in the theater where I told myself wow this is really good was Casino Royale. And I'm not one of those "all the old films were great and now everything sucks" people. The first Star Trek reboot film is now my second favorite behind Wrath of Khan. I thought it was entertaining and really well made. Same here. I saw TBL in the theater and I didn't even like it at the time. Fargo is definitely #1 with NCFOM coming in second. Jerry didn't need $40,000. He needed close to a million. He has been juggling a mountain of debt and is about to get into real trouble for the fraud he is committing with GMAC financing because he borrowed a ton of money using non-existent cars as collateral. Wade is very protective of his money which is why he insisted on delivering the money himself. If Jean had asked Wade for $1 million a) he would not have given it to her and b) he would have asked why and once he learned it was because Jerry got into debt he wouldn't give them a penny since he detests Jerry. He would have told Jean to divorce Jerry instead. The fun part is multiple interpretations work. Maybe Gaear had been planning to kill Carl all along and take the entire $80,000 and the whole thing about the car was BS. Perhaps Gaear truly was mad Carl refused to pay him for the car and thought he was being screwed over. Carl's greed brought him down. If Carl would have agreed to split the money $50,000 / $30,000 for half the car perhaps Gaear would have spared him. Even better, he could have split it $60,000 / $20,000 and said I'll "pay" for the entire car. "I just want to go get my face fixed screw the money." Carl was armed (and reminded Gaear of that) so Gaear took a risk attacking Carl for the money. If he already had had most of it, there would have been less incentive to try and take it all. > Why would he NOT have his gun with him at all times anyway? > Why even kill Buscemi with an AXE, when he has been killing people with guns all movie? Is there more than one gun? I watched it again recently and it appears the same gun is used every time by Carl or Gaear. It was in the glovebox of the car they were driving when Gaear shot the patrol officer and witnesses. It's possible Carl took it to meet Wade so when he leaves Gaear, Gaear is unarmed. Carl used it to shoot Wade and the car park attendant. Websites dedicated to tracking firearms in films confirm there was just 1 gun used by Carl and Gaear. > he should know enough to escape through the woods and duck behind the big woodchipper or SOMETHING One recurring theme in the film is that our 3 idiot criminals are totally unprepared for the unexpected. Each time when Gaear killed someone, he had the upper hand (officer, witnesses, Jean). Now with Marge with her gun trained on him, he is not in control. He panics, throws the block of wood at her and just instinctively bolts as fast as he can go. Jerry, Carl and Gaear were dumb criminals. If they had planned this out meticulously and everything had gone smoothly (perhaps except for some twist near the end that allows Marge to solve the case) this would be a much more ordinary movie. The fact that they are bumbling idiots is core to the film. Yup - in so many films and TV shows the bad guys are often portrayed as brilliant masterminds who are playing 10 dimensional chess and are always 2 steps ahead of law enforcement. In reality, there certainly are brilliant criminals, but usually if you're very smart it's much easier to work at a legitimate profession. So many criminals aren't too bright and commit crimes because that's the only way for them to come into significant amounts of money. The only alternative is working a low-wage job. (editing since watching a scene again I realized my assumption was wrong) I honestly don't know how they expected to make a car disappear. How was Jerry going to be able to hide the fact that a car was gone from the lot forever? Maybe he had faked some paperwork. Marge showing up asking about a missing car really threw a wrench into his plans. Perhaps Jerry's plan was to, after he got all the money, make it look like a customer paid for the car and use part of the ransom money to pay for it. Marge knows immediately Jerry is lying through his teeth. She's assuming he's lying to cover up the theft or unauthorized borrowing by Shep of a vehicle from his lot to protect his job. She has no reason to suspect early on that Jerry is directly involved in any way with her murder investigation. After the meeting with Mike her mood becomes more suspicious and she realizes she better investigate Jerry more thoroughly and actually verify (not assume) he's being evasive only because he doesn't want his boss/father-in-law to discover a car is missing from the lot. Another reason she goes back is if she has no evidence Jerry knows the vehicle is missing she can't corner him into admitting the vehicle was stolen or taken which she might be able to use to apply pressure and find out more clues to help her solve her murders. She did the exact thing to Shep by pointing out he was on probation. I have the same experience! I think I saw it when it came out either in the theater or as a rental shortly after. I watched it again last night and it is as good as I remember. Every moment Marge is on the screen is pure magic. I can't take my eyes off of her Frances McDormand is that good. And William H. Macy is a close second - just watching this loser continually collapse as all his schemes fall apart is like a cherry on a sundae. And those are just two high points - there is so much more. 10/10 - one of the best movies ever made.