MooseIndian's Replies

I don't blame your twin. I don't do Facebook, Twitter, or anything. This site is it. does twinB actually exist? my best friend started out as a school rival. I told twinB what you said. It only serves to divide us, which is silly as both parties are the same thing. the two-party system is just a fancy way of saying one party system. America is not as free as people say. I think it makes since that blacks make movies for blacks. That is their viewpoint, It is what they know. And no, I don't mean they like those people. White people are also they when it applies. I must admit I still have my disagreement. I would be lying if I said I was the most tolerant person in the world. But everyone SHOULD live! And freedom of expression. It is easy to tell others no until it happens to you. I dont blame you considering what I said but i have never been more internet hurt than when you called me evil. But it was my mistake. It always feels good at the time but then it turns into regret. Also I sometimes get belligerent. Northern Hemisphere is the best!! NORTHERN HEMISPHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE!!! I agree with this post. it might be an inconvenience. don't get crazy on me. I have never really cared for it but my mother loves The Haunting 1963. Featuring Moneypenny. Do you like it? I feel ya. I do like zombies but for some reason I have never been interested in Vampires or Frankenstein.