JanusKey's Replies

The only thing everybody can agree on, is what his worst career move was. The Beaver, off course. Yup. Downsizing is absolutely terrific. With The Hoidovers, I was thinking more about Equus, The Paper Chase and -of course - Dutch. When Edgerton is driving his car, right before the encounter with the two strangers, you can clearly see a human figure in the woods. It's just a treestump. It looks like a man sitting. At the 29:10 mark. And I agree. The ending took a crap on the whole movie. Nothing came and nothing comes at night. Just nightmares. It felt like a cop out. I enjoyed it but it was no Temps du Loup. More recently, Here Alone and - especially - The Survivalist ran circles around It comes at Night. (Those movies shot first and asked questions later.)