MovieChat Forums > Rinn13

Rinn13 (167)



Not to mention the fact that even if conditions WERE "good" for the POWs, they didn't want to be prisoners. And it was the army who was treating them decently. It was foreshadowed early in the story that the SS/Gestapo threatened to take over the camp themselves if the army couldn't keep the prisoners in line. Which they pretty much did at the end of the story. Hitler or his hierarchy could have, at any moment, decided to have all the POWs killed or some other awful fate, instead of paying to take care of them for years. So yes, they wanted/needed to escape. Depends entirely on who you talk to. There are a shocking number of people, who want you to believe that EVERYONE living in Germany during the Nazi Era, were die-hard Nazis, absolute inhuman, comic book style MONSTERS. When the truth is, that just like most countries in the grip of dictatorship, the majority of the citizenry, even most of the military, are just people. Just people trying to get by, to survive, and hopefully be left alone. There were tons of very decent, or even good, Germans during WWII, including in the army. They were just too scared to go against the system, or else they or their families would come under fire. They instead went along to get along, as human beings throughout history so often do. 1. Literally ANYTHING "could be made today". The only thing that keeps certain things being made, are the loud, whiny, but SMALL groups of assholes who scream about utterly pointless, trivial bullshit. 2. It's a PRISON film, first and foremost. Where do you expect all of these female characters to pop up? A MILITARY prison nurse, perhaps? That would be like complaining that a movie about a POW camp, in WWII, in Europe, only features white people, because all the guards are German, and the vast majority of POWs are British. Talk about ass backwards standards. You should never judge 1963 films by 2023/4 standards. You should judge 2023 films by 1963 standards. The writing really did make Whoopi's mother character seem like a terribly unlikable bitch early in the film. I'm not sure why they would write her that way, especially when Whoopi allegedly had Carrie Fisher (not for the first time) "doctor" some of her dialogue. Which means she and Carrie came up with some of the garbage her character says. Not a great look. You got that wrong, bro. Whoopi's character, among several other derogatory remarks about whites, at one point literally mumbles "I do NOT like white people!". Are you seriously saying that was just "prejudice", and not racism? Or do you subscribe to that "only white people can be racist" bullshit? I love Whoopi, but her character was written to be, until she suddenly flips and likes him later in the film, an obnoxious anti-white racist. The very definition of racism, is bigotry towards someone based on their ethnicity or skin color. And just for fun, do imagine the scene where the daughter reveals she looked up her father, and tells her mom the "worst part", is that he's white. And then they both act super upset that he's white. You play that in reverse, with a white mom and daughter acting disgusted that it turns out her father is black, you can bet your ass people would scream to the heavens "THAT'S RACIST!" So what's good for the goose, is in fact good for the gander. If things would "seem racist" if the characters were white, then they're racist when the characters are "POC". Fun fact, "White" people are supposed to be "White". Pale is beautiful. Tans are very bad for you, especially later in life. I didn't get to catch the Super Show as a kid until they first re-aired it (without the Zelda episodes), and those def. still had the awesome cover songs. I'm almost certain the 5 or 6 VHS releases I had, also had them. Oh great. It's bad enough it's already "The Baby Yoda Show", now it'll be even more cringe that he'll say words. All so they can sell new "Grogu" dolls that talk. She personally chose to have short hair, as an homage to how the real Wasp looked in the comics. And what's wrong with gold boobs? View all replies >