MovieChat Forums > BlueCurfew

BlueCurfew (12)


Season 6 View all posts >


In the book, Amy explains that she was eating junk food to gain weight to be unrecognizable. She started before she was ‘gone,’ managing to gain and hide under baggy clothing 15 lbs before disappearing. Just watched it for the 100th time. I ugly-cry everytime. ^This! You mean a ‘Flynn’ show, right? New to Stephen King? Because the fans were already set up for her grand entrance. ^^Yep. I think she’s pregnant. Agreed. I get it’s supposed to be night but I still need to see what’s going on! I agree. Saw it for the first time last night. I love gangster movies and my friend couldn’t believe I had never seen it and was singing its praises. It was a stinker. Daniel Day Lewis was amazing though, but, it’s Daniel Day Lewis, I’d expect nothing less.. View all replies >