MovieChat Forums > Linziaj

Linziaj (1)



Hi I'm glad I found some one else confused. I've been searching for answers about the films !!! My take now is. Annabelle creation .... as everyone's written,Mullins doll is possessed by a demon who took on the persona of their daughter, attacking the mother. Janice gets possessed so doll is now dormant (she's cured from polio because Janice is effectively dead and now just a vessel for the demon) Janice/Annabelle is adopted by the Higgins who she later kills and transfers her soul back into the doll. Annabelle.... at the end of the movie the doll needs another soul so the shop lady throws herself out of window with the doll. Yes you'd think it would be held in evidence but I think they trashed it and it later ended up in a thrift store where the nurses mother bought it for her. Remember the doll looks more aged and evil as the films go on. The conjuring.... at the start the nurses say 7 yr old Annabelle died in the apartment so they felt sorry for her,technically it's true as the persona of the demon has always been Annabelle Mullins, who died when she was 7 yrs old, to Janice to Annabelle Higgins . Only thing confusing is if the shop lady had given her soul to the doll, where did she go !!!!! View all replies >