GameOfSlaves's Replies

The best ever is Forbidden Planet. But if you're high, check out Santa vs The Martians. But now when there's a cliffhanger you can say the Doctor is fucked now! That didn't make sense. Wtf am I saying? I miss Tom Baker's crazy eyes! I didn't. The moderator must be racist against my opinion guns are bad and that I don't respect Americans who think everyone should have a gun. What a joke. What's the point of posting opinions if someone else can censor me!!! Different opinion equals troll? That is the final argument of a lost debate. But even though logic has prevailed you refuse to admit your wrong under any circumstances so you resort to troll. I don't agree in continuing to let children die in mass shootings so i'm a troll? So then is the UK, Canada, Australia etc etc because they are fine without guns. And they didn't have 17 kids die today. Hey, why don't you phone up the parents that lost their kids and give them your reasons? Redneck wanna be. Who are liberals? Something your leaders give you to hate to sooth your fears? The rest of the WORLD disagrees so think about that. LOL. Stats makes it okay to let mass shootings of kids continue! Wow, how American. Please, quote more stuff from wiki!!! Even more reasons to have a woman villain too! Why? Can't a woman be feared too? Video Games are the future. Movies and TV will be gone. No one will have disposable income except the rich. In fifty years, thanks to supply and demand democracy, people will just have enough money for rent, food and sometimes electricity for heating or light. Purchase power has steadily declined almost the entire century and all of the new one. Poor getting more poor; essentially slavery by working slaves. The illusion of freedom. Free to choose your brand of bread but cross the rich and your dead. Your CNN says USA is number 1 according to studies they researched. If it makes you feel better, Russia is only 22nd. There are 37 countries better than the USA for kids to get a good education at. 37! Can any Americans even name 30 countries? That means he did nothing of substance which equals nothing.