JaqenHgar's Replies

His heart condition is real and not part of a WWE storyline. It is a genetic condition that he has no control over, which is why he had to retire and take his place in the office. There are plenty of legitimate news sites out there that confirm the story. I don't know a single Harry Potter fan that wants that travesty of fanfiction developed into anything other than a pile of ash. You want to draw the Harry Potter fans in...not send them running for the hills. I've been crushing on her since 1993. She's still a fox. Dana Delany was apparently impressed by it when they filmed "Light Sleeper." I've always found her attractive. Sorry but you are wrong. Sex and gender are not the same. Sex refers to “the biological and physiological characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.” Gender refers to "the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men. How does "bad actress," "ugly," and "annoying" equal "slut?" Damn right. This is true That was the point of the park though. Who wants to be moderated when you're paying $40k per day to indulge yourself and do things that are prohibited in the real world? Plus, he wasn't "killing" the robots per se. You can only "kill" a living being and technically the robots were not "alive" in the traditional sense of the word. Nice. I haven't seen it in a very long time. I haven't heard that movie mentioned in forever. I love RAD. Wasn't too keen on BMX Bandits though. I love that movie. How long until you go down the BMX hole with RAD and BMX Bandits? "It's those jelly doughnuts. They call to me in the middle of the night: "Hollywood! Hollywood! Come and get me, Hollywood!" I can't stay away from them." Hope you enjoy it. I love those 80s movies with the Bones Brigade cameoing in them (like Police Academy 4). If you'll excuse me, I need to go see if "The Search for Animal Chin" is online somewhere. Same. I need to go watch this film again. I haven't seen it or Thrashin' in years. "Hey, there's my Pizza Hut!"