MovieChat Forums > jjberkhof

jjberkhof (6)



Anything to fit the narrative, right? Not to mention, ratings have been steadily declining ever since Red Zone and Draft Kings became popular. Except ratings this past weekend actually went up..... Facts, try them. I agree! How dare a show try to be thought provoking?!? I agree and was skeptical. I saw the trailer before It and my friend said: oh, I want to see this, too! When I saw Aronofsky, I was sold. I've seen all his movies but didn't think he'd ever do horror (even though Requiem for a dream is the only movie I've ever watched and left the theater with a pit in my stomach, a truly horrifying experience). In all, though, the marketing team has a job to do and that is putting asses in seats. My review: Was it good? Definitely. Was it subtle and weird? Definitely not. Was it blatant and predictable? Definitely. Was it a good idea to market as horror? Definitely not. Does Katniss look better with a big ass? Definitely. 7/10 Source material. Roland was always described as old, weathered, lanky, wore a hat, bambardier blue eyes. We got what looks like a recently retired NFL player. If they would have put a hat on him and gave him blue contacts, I might have been ok. But here we are... From Wikipedia: He first appears as Walter o'Dim, chased across the desert by Roland. In flashbacks Flagg assumes the identity of Marten Broadcloak, a wizard who conspires with the Crimson Kingto cause the fall of the Dark Tower. In the original edition of the first novel Marten is a separate person from Walter, who is also not known to be Flagg, but Marten and Walter are ret-conned into one character in the revised version. [ View all replies >