MovieChat Forums > Greenfire

Greenfire (3)



On the other hand, ALL races want to see beautiful, attractive White men and women, especially White men (according to the OKCupid and Are You Interested studies, White men were the number one desired and desirable race of men in America, among ALL races of women except for black girls, ESPECIALLY among Asian women, Latinas, and East Indian women). White women are actually a LOT less desired than they used to be (according to OKCUpid and Are You Interested white girls were actually the SECOND LEAST desired/desirable race of females in America, ahead of only black girls and behind all other races of females), but some races of males (especially East Indian and Arab males, and also black boys) still desire them, even if most White men don't, and thus they are on tv and in movies all the time. BTW, I guess you didn't get the memo, but this is a White country. America is a country created by White men, and it BELONGS to White people. Blacks don't really belong here, and Asians sure as hell don't belong here (although White men love Asian ladies, so we'll let them stay). Why should Asians and blacks be in our country's movies and tv shows? This isn't Asian, and it's not Africa either. You don't see many White people in Chinese tv shows or movies, or movies made in Nigeria do you? (and if you do, they're always portrayed super negatively and are always the villains.) Why should White people treat asian boys and blacks in our entertainment better than asians/blacks treat White people in their entertainment? Asian boys, black boys and black girls are not ENTITLED to being in our movies and tv shows, and being in this country's entertainment industry is not an inalienable right. Get that straight right now. I would love to see a full-blooded Asian woman on the show getting with a White man (the Bachelor has had half-Asian/half-White women on in the past, but never a fullblooded Asian woman), and I would also love to see a Latina/Hispanic woman getting together with a White man on the show, but let's face it, NO ONE wants to see blacks, especially black girls, and no one wants to see asian boys on tv. We already see way too many black girls and black boys on tv shows and in movies, in fact blacks are heavily OVER-represented in Hollywood movies and tv shows, and what makes it worse is that they are always represented super-positively with all the villain, criminal thug, and buffon comedy relief roles being played by White men, when in reality the vast majority of crminals and thugs in America are black boys. When White people sit down in front of the televisoon in the evening after a bad fay of breaking their back working hard at a stressful job, the last thing they want to see is an undesirable black girl (according to both the OKCupid race and dating study AND the Are You Interested facebook race and dating study, black girls are actually the DEAD LAST LEAST desired and desirable race of females in America among ALL races of males, even their own black males) or some black boy acting like a thug (by the way, also according to the OKCupid and Are You Interested studies, black males are the SECOND LEAST desired and desirable race of males in America, ahead of only South Asian males and behind every other race) on their TVs. White people watch TV to escape and forget their lives, and if they have to deal with stupid blacks acting ghetto in their daily lives, they don't want to see that crap when they watch TV. John Carter was a good movie. It was just ruined by bad marketing. With better marketing it could have become a blockbuster. This movie on the other hand has Carla Delavigne in it, and Carla Delavigne is the worst actress in the history of Hollywood. She is fucking terrible in every way, and does not deserve a career. View all replies >