MovieChat Forums > cristian

cristian (18)


Stranger Things. ** spoilers ** Happy Groundhog day! Mindblowing I didn't like it at all (book reader) Alternative ending Dumbest things in this movie 1984 - Missing ghosts? I like this movie Where the are the buses? View all posts >


You don't see them eat very often but it is clear that they eat a lot because they were left with a lot of food. They have probably eaten off camera. People also have to shit, you're not going to say they haven't shit because you didn't see them shit on the screen. First, you are right. Second, France. Right, good question. Maybe for the precuel. Hmm, the safe wasn't it near the ceiling of the building? By the fall he should have mashed himself inside the safe. That poor chick didn't have time to warn others about the corp guy. Right, i totally forget about that! He even go to the desert to grab his weapon and didn't use it. The only one was that bait guard. lol. And less stress. Also remember they only can go back 4 days. If this tech is recent, they canĀ“t do anything for older events. I think he traveled twice at least. View all replies >